The Golden Griffins Organization in Locbroalm | World Anvil

The Golden Griffins

The elite guards of Shirdal, the Golden Griffins were originally founded to be the personal guards of the Royal Family. Though the Griffins still have that duty, in more recent years the Griffins roles and responsibilities have been expanded to also protecting royal assets and taking on elite missions for the Shirdal National Military.   Due to their responsibilities, it is difficult to become a Golden Griffin. Originally, The Golden Academy was founded as a training academy for people wishing to become a Golden Griffin, however that changed when the nobility felt that it was unfairly biased against the Noble Provincial Armies. Since then, the Golden Griffins have taken to recruiting people who are already in the military for their ranks or through family lineages. Once recruited, members are sent away for training for a minimum of six months to a year.

How high the winds take you depend on how brave you are

Founding Date
23 Prain 1200
Military, Knightly Order
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Leader Title
Parent Organization
Notable Members


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