Dominic Stern Character in Locbroalm | World Anvil

Dominic Stern

Lord / Knight Commander / Governor Dominic Stern (a.k.a. Dom)

The current leader of the Golden Griffins and acting head of Astrid Province, Dominic Stern has been the loyal "left hand" of King Orion Astrid for decades.   The Stern family has long possessed the honorable lineage of being the personal guards of the Royal Family and members of the Golden Griffins, and Dominic is no exception to this. Joining the Griffins at the age of 19, Dominic was made the personal guard of Orion shortly after his training finished. As the years passed, King Orion's trust in Dominic only grew and at the age of 27 he was named the leader of the Golden Griffins. Two years later, when Orion took over as King of Shirdal, Orion asked Dominic to also take over as the acting head of the Astrid province until Orion could produce an heir and that heir came of age. Dominic was reluctant to take on this role with his other duties, but knew that he could never say no to his friend.   Dominic's conquests in battle are renowned not only in Shirdal but in all of Locbroalm. Tales of him taking down an entire army of 200 Orcs by himself while mortally wounded and cutting down Rocs out of the sky with a single swing of his greatsword have been the talk of all the knights within the Golden Griffins. Though it is hard to be sure how many of these stories are true, because Dominic will not talk about them, what is not up for debate is Dominic's skills.  
Little is known about Dominic's personal life except that he fell in love with an Elven woman in his late twenties and they had one child together.


Family Ties

  • Elven partner
  • Half-elf son
  • Species
    Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • Governor of Astrid Province
  • Knight Commander of The Golden Griffins
  • Personal Guard to King Orion Astrid
  • Year of Birth
    1549 AC 47 Years old
    Skin Tone/Pigmentation
    280 lbs
    Aligned Organization
    Ruled Locations


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