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Western Realm, Zeto

In this sprawling landscape governed by the Burrows, the population is diverse but with a heavy cultural influence of the Halfling race. As such, architecture favors smaller races outside the city of sparks Yi Ti, an engineering and arcane feat left from the Great Trials. The Western Realm is a danger for newcomers, who might find themselves lost or being tracked by the denizens of the Mystic Wetlands. For the residents, the land is home, a shield from the oppression of the Dwarves.   It is not without its dangers, though. No matter what land you traverse, the remnants of the Great Trials remain, the land soaked with arcana, the environment unnaturally maintained. Over the millennia, creatures grow ever more dangerous, their physical forms altered by creation magic. In sprawling burrowed cities, the races live in relative safety, staying close to home, with some never leaving their birth location unless they are called to serve against the Eastern Realm.   Governance - The Burrows family The Peninsula features an oligarchy-style government with a heavy legacy influence. The Burrows boastfully draw their lineage back to the first Halflings to arrive on Zeto and were leaders of the rebellion against the Dwarves during the Great Freeze. The family is not considered royalty but functions more as a mafia with respect given or severe penalties issued. At their command is the mighty Salazar who maintains order and forms the realm’s standing army. Unfortunately, the aggressive nature of the organization has carried over into civilian law enforcement, the citizens subject to a strict eye-for-eye punishment structure handled at the squad level.   Significant Locations Banishment Sliver. The home of outcast and “free town” of the Gnoll Family, this sliver is considered by most to be home of bandits and thieves. A watchful eye is kept to the north from the Refining Sanctum, as obtaining the production secret would wreak havoc on the realm.   Briar Buffer. A legacy tower, this beacon was constructed to signal the potential invasion of the Gnoll Militia who sought to oust the Burrows during the Reemergence Era. While mostly symbolic of the defeated coup, the buffer remains manned at all times to ensure an army does cross the narrow river to the east of Briar.   Hag’s Haven. Thought to be the birthplace of the first hag, the land is fowl and corrupted. Yet, those that travel near can always glimpse the sight of an odd smoke or scent rising from the lands, the nights filled with cackling. Desperate adventurers seeking a favor or boon seek out Luran the Undying, though the cost is unfathomable.   Holding Colonies. With new construction within Yi Ti being unlawful, these colonies were developed as a holding location for those granted permission to live in the capital once a domicile became available. As a result, families can receive their acceptance letter only to live their entire lives in wait. Luckily, letters are transferrable to offspring.   Putrid Lands. The result of the Sea Arena Outlet and the hag’s magic, this land smells of death; the plants wilted but undying. Those seeking powerful reagents travel here, although not all return.   Refining Sanctum. The most guarded location for the Western Realm, refining the Scar’s gas into usable reagents occurs here. Untainted water from the Sea Arean Outlet provides the ideal conditions, the process a realm secret.   Salted Lands. Another battlefield, the area was thought to house the rival city to Yi Ti. Local lore speaks of a powerful weapon that saturated the lands around the city, killing all agricultural lands and starving its residents. Today, the fields remain void of life, the salt refined and shipped to all corners of Gia.

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