Skyler Phoenix

Skyler Phoenix Kelly (a.k.a. Sky)

In-the-closet gay high school sophomore Skyler Phoenix found himself madly in love with his best friend, Cameron Mosher. As the two boys become more intimate, Skyler’s family life crumbles after his conservative and extremely religious foster parents discover their son’s secret relationship and quickly disown him. Forced to relocate to a new foster family, Skyler is faced with the tough choice of guarding his emotions or allowing a new love be born from the ashes of his broken heart.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Skyler has had a tumultuous history. At the age of ten, doctors diagnosed his mother, Julie Phoenix, with terminal cancer. Skyler did everything he could to take care of his mother when she couldn't, even to the point of doing the groceries and cooking meals. At the time, Skyler knew enough to give up sports and other extra-curricular activities at school because his mother needed him. Skyler suspected his mother knew about his sacrifices, but that didn't stop him from doing what he knew was right. He could tell it broke her heart to watch him care for her; to watch her little lion man—her affectionate nickname for him—grow up too fast.   Julie died a few months later. At ten-and-a-half-years old, with no other family around to care for him, Skyler became a ward of the state.   Skyler's first foster home was with Sean and Patty McMahon. He watched his foster-father’s abusive and drunken behavior and learned how to survive in an alcoholic family. This was an important skill for knowing when to disappear before ever having to duck the rabid anger—and possible fist—of a drunken Sean McMahon.   His second foster home was with Stephen and Rebecca Tinsdale. At the Tinsdale’s, he had learned the signs of religious hypocrisy. During his time here, Skyler attended Cornerstone Christian Academy and became a popular, athletic student. He also met his best friend, Cameron(Cam) Mosher, and shortly thereafter realized he had feelings for Cam.   His third foster home was with Dale and Liara Kelly and their son Colton(CK).

Gender Identity

Although he is gay, he is terrified of coming out with living with the Tinsdale Family.




Skyler is a high school student.

Mental Trauma

Although he never knew his father, Skyler harbors an intense resentment against him.   Show Spoiler
Skyler carries intense hurt from Stephen and Rebecca Tinsdale's rejection of his homosexuality, and as such, him as their foster son. After evicting him from them home, Skyler is determine to hide who he is from his new foster family, the Kelly's.

Intellectual Characteristics

Skyler is a smart, A-student who usually finishes what he starts.

Morality & Philosophy

Skyler's mother instilled a healthy sense of right and wrong in Skyler. He naturally developed need to champion the underdog, and when he lived with Stephen and Rebecca Tinsdale, he carefully learned and integrated the best of Christian morality.


Family Ties

When Julie discovered she was pregnant while finishing up last year of community college, she insisted upon carrying the baby despite her boyfriend's insistence on getting an abortion. Angry, he abandoned her and the scandal of pregnancy estranged Julie from her family. After graduating, accepted a position with an accounting firm and began her life as a single parent. As Skyler grew, she avoided talking about his father for as long as possible, but she was eventually forced to share the truth with Skyler when he started asking questions. Although he never knew his father, Skyler harbored an intense resentment against him. When Skyler turned ten, cancer violently ravaged Julie’s body. Knowing her days were numbered, she tried to imbue Skyler with as much love, affirmation, and worldly advice as possible.  

Foster homes

Skyler's first foster home was with Sean and Patty McMahon. His second foster home was with Stephen and Rebecca Tinsdale. His third foster home was with Dale and Liara Kelly and their son Colton(CK).

Hobbies & Pets

Cycling and swimming are his favorite two sports. He likes to run but his track days are over because he got bored with it.


Colton Kelley

adopted brother (Important)

Towards Skyler Phoenix



Skyler Phoenix

adopted brother (Important)

Towards Colton Kelley



Kalin Mars

Boyfriend (Important)

Towards Skyler Phoenix



Skyler Phoenix

Boyfriend (Important)

Towards Kalin Mars



Tracy Whitcomb

Close Friend (Important)

Towards Skyler Phoenix



Skyler Phoenix

Gay Best Friend (Important)

Towards Tracy Whitcomb



Current Location
Year of Birth
2000 16 Years old
Parents (Adopting)
Colton Kelley (adopted brother)
A cisgender gay male.
Brown, curly hair that he generally wears short and spikey.
Aligned Organization
Character Prototype
Physical features based on model Kevin Childs.


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