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11th Session

General Summary

The party wakes up at Daniel Peddler's camp. Brie and Caspian are already awake and eating grits with Dan and Zachary. Brie announces to the party that after talking to the two men, she's decided that she better go home and see her family. She says to come says hi if the pary is every in the Culoin Forest and that her family lives Ancollen, the seat of the Eauabor tribe. She bid everyone farewell and takes with her the ruby necklace, sapphire necklace, one Lesser Healing Potion and Ellie gives her the spoon from her mess kit.

The party goes back to the Watermen at the boats and continue the journey to Tenpolis. The rest of the trip is fairly uneventful. At Tenpolis they notice that the guards at the gate are searching packs. With Tasha's familiarity with the culture, the party determines that the guards are searching for magical objects that deem "unnatural." The party buys a handcart from a market outside the gates and turns the bag of hold inside out in an alley. They put the earrings in the bag of holding and Ellie stuffs it down her front. The guards don't find any of their things suspicious and they are each nicked on the arm with a dagger before entering the gate. Tasha concludes that the guards must be ensuring that the party are not Cyanhemians since the hallmark of one is blue blood, although she was not nicked the last time she was here.

Ellie figuratively drags everyone to herbalists while Theo and Caspian physically drag the halflings in the handcart. All the herbalists are sold out of Hemstaim. Asking one of herbalist about it reveals that a Cyanhemian was found and killed in one of the northern counties and so the kingdom is currently in high alert. The party remembers that Mackenzie also suggested they find Remez the Scholar and say "hi" to his friend Daniel from Ostra who is in the army. Ellie asks the herbalist about Remez and she tells her that Remez works at the Royal Library and is an expert in folklore. They get directions to the library.

They stop at the Wishful Spoon Inn. Tasha secures a free place to stay for the night and the rest of the party pay 8sp. Ellie buys a spoon for 1cp. After leaving their stuff there at the inn, they head to the library. They find Remez in the back of the library sitting with a young boy. He is friendly to the party and answers their questions about Cyanhemians, though he sends to the boy away when the topic of the Shadow of Heartford Forest is brought up. The scholar is intrigued when Ellie mentions understanding the Shadow as the only person he knows of who can talk to the Shadow is Daniel of Remlow.

Remez mentions that he is undertaking an knowledge gathering expedition to a new library that the Time Clan has established and that he could use more muscle. He gets excited when Ellie mentions she's a healer and the boy he was tutoring's mother insistences on going and taking him, but the boy has hemophilia. Something clicks with Tasha and she asks if the boy's mother is Princess Crimson which Remez confirms that yes, the boy is Prince Shalom of Tenpolis. He offers to pay the party 360 gp each to take the month and a half journey to Horaces and the party accepts. The expedition will begin in a week's time.
When asked about Daniel of Ostra, Remez reveals that Daniel will be on the expedition.

TLDR: Brie left to go home. Party went to Tenpolis and got a handcart. There's none of that special herb around. Scholar they are recommended to find offers them 360 gp each to escort him on a trip to the Time Clan to possibly learn more about the Shadow.

Rewards Granted

A letter with a seal that should allow them to enter the castle gate to join the expedition.

Character(s) interacted with

Daniel Peddler 
Remez the Scholar 
Tenpolis Guards
Barkeep of Wishful Spoon
Library Lady


Before this session, Caspian asked Dan whether he had any information about Caspian's brother. Dan said he remembers seeing a Time Clansman with a group of adventurers in southeast Ostra that were looking for Dolth a little less than 3 years ago. And another group with a Time Clansman about a year and half ago in Desite who were looking for pirate treasure.
Report Date
01 May 2021
Primary Location


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