Kieli Geographic Location in Lunautta | World Anvil
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Kieli is the country where Keskus is located, and is one of the most influential countries in the world.


Kieli is a collection of islands floating in the sky. The different islands have different environments and terrains and are floating at different heights. Some hover partially over others, and their waterfalls cascade down to the island below.


Kieli was once a large island off the coast of Venalainen. Shortly after the Mustekala broke off, in The Mustekala Schism, and settled Kieli, they used their powers of Translocation to raise the island into the sky. They found that they could fly it, much like an airship. They traveled around Lunautta, picking up new landmasses here and there until they had a large collection of islands. They then settled all of those islands in the air above the sea to the east of Lannessa.
Island, Floating
Owning Organization

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