Sammakko Species in Lunautta | World Anvil
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Basic Information


  • Sammakko share a lot of the physical characteristics of frogs, although they are bipedal and roughly the size of an average human. 
  • Their eyes are protruding, and located toward the outside of their heads. 
  • Their hands and feet are webbed, and each finger and toe is tipped with a flat, round pad that the frogs use to climb trees in the swampland where they live. This keeps them away from predators who live in the swampy water. 
  • Their hind legs are extremely powerful, and the sammakko are capable of leaping quite long distances. 
  • Their skin is smooth, rubbery, and comes in a variety of different colors and patterns. Some groups also produce a toxin on their skin that is poisonous to other creatures. Others have the ability to camouflage their skin based on where they are. 
  • There is no separate nose, simply slits above the mouth. 
  • The tongue is long and sticky and actually quite strong, catching small prey quite easily.

Genetics and Reproduction

During the spring they descend to the swamp pools where they breed and lay their eggs. Males travel to the pools during the first rains of spring and begin calling to females. Some sammakko are so loud they can be heard a mile away. After they meet, they find a suitable spot to mate and lay their eggs. In the sexual embrace, the male clasps the female from behind and extrudes sperm over the eggs as they are ejected by the female.   Their egg masses contain hundreds of eggs. The eggs then float off in clusters, strings, or sheets and may become attached to the stems of water plants. The egg masses often turn green from algae. Unlike Metsakko egg masses, sammakko egg masses are enclosed in a firm matrix that helps the egg mass retain its shape.   Once laid, the eggs are on their own, to survive and become tadpoles. The eggs develop for roughly 20 days, dependent upon temperature. Tadpoles are in the water for 80 to 115 days.

Growth Rate & Stages

Sammakko eggs floating in a pond: these clusters of floating eggs are called "egg masses". Sammakko females lay about 30 eggs at one time.
Tadpoles hatch from the eggs and live in the pond.
The tadpoles turn into juvenile sammakko. The body shrinks, the legs form, the lungs develop, limbs appear, the tail is absorbed, and the mouth becomes like a typical sammakko.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

Sammakko are a sentient species. They are of moderate intelligence, living mostly simple lives with no real use for many of the world's technologies.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Sammakko have large eyes, which provide them with excellent eyesight. They also have a very keen sense of hearing.

Civilization and Culture

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Sammakko are friendly toward other species. Expecially in their capital city of Koti Puissa, they are surrounded by creatures from all over the world, and have changed some of their customs in response to outside influence.
Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name
Homines Arbor Ranae
40 years
Average Height
6 ft
Average Weight
180 lbs
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Their skin comes in a wide range of colors, covering nearly every color of the rainbow. Some are striped, and others a single solid color. Some sammakko can change colors, and others can camouflage themselves in order to hide from predators.  
Geographic Distribution

Cover image: by Bing AI


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