Koti Puissa Settlement in Lunautta | World Anvil
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Koti Puissa

Koti Puissa is the capital city of Suolla Maa and home to the Sammakko. It is also the location of one of the portals.   


The city is divided roughly into the locals, the Sammakko, and the outsiders. The sammakko refer to the outsiders as "Stumpers" because when they came through the portals to live, they felled trees to live on the stumps.   The swamp is home to many deadly creatures, so those with the lowest wealth and status live closest to the ground. The wealthiest and most influential creatures live up high in the trees.

Industry & Trade

Kosteikko Suolla is shrouded in shadow, making it the perfect location to harvest Umbra Lapis. Many inhabitants of Koti Puissa spend their time searching and harvesting and then selling the crystal.


In order to transport people and goods from one part of the settlement to the other, a system of pulleys and ropes was devised. Bridges were built in some locations, but for many, the pulley system was more accessible and quicker.


Koti Puissa is located in Kosteikko Suolla, the swampland of Suolla Maa. The swampland has trees larger than buildings, lush vegetation and hanging vines. The homes and businesses are built along the swampy ground or among the branches in the trees. With the influx of other creatures through the portals, some of the landscape has been changed to accommodate other preferences. Trees have been felled and have neighborhoods located on the massive stumps. 


  • Koti Puissa
    Koti Puissa is the capital of Suolla Maa and the home to a portal. Homes are built on and around the trees in the swamp, and pulley systems were designed to transport creatures and goods between the trees.
Location under
Owning Organization

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