
The second largest city within Empire of Candria and home to the more forest native and labor bound Darufar (Wood Elves)   Other Characteristics: Woodhaven sits in the deepest part of the Aevoridge forest. The working class of the Elves live in this land. Many of them hunters, laborers, artisans, artists. The city itself is mostly consisted of Wood Elves as the High Elves are considered the more political and natural with the arcane arts. Woodhaven has homes and buildings built around the trees in the area. Before the end of the Hassien war, the entire forest was known to rapidly reproduce and grow the contents of its flora back. Allowing the native Elfar to rapidly produce crops for food as well as lumber. When the land split occured much of the magic Shular held onto the land to continue this magic has since dissipated and only a small portion of the magic still resides. Causing the output and trade to have decreased over time and leaving them with the conundrum of harvesting the crops and trees.
Significant NPCs:
Mariandral Dayspring: Mariandral Dayspring was the leader of Woodhaven. Taught since a child to be one of the Ridge Rangers the elite group of Rangers that patrol the lands.
Lucius Dayspring: Lucius Dayspring was the father of Lucian and Ada. Another Ridge Ranger who leads the defense on the western edge of the nation.
Ada Dayspring: Originally declared to become the wife of Castien Aevoridge. With the death of Canduril, Castien pushed away from marrying Ada.
Location under