
Information is as of year 830 during the Draconis War   Government:   Population: 100% Human   Languages:   Religions:   Threats: The city sits closer to the outskirts of the Human territory and close to a Elven settlement.   Imports:   Exports: One of the more favored wines of the Humans.   Factions/Guilds:   Other Characteristics: Cyril is a fairly poor settlement. It's biggest draw is a particular set of grapes native to the area. These grapes are used in making a fine wine which is the biggest draw that the city has. Many of the merchants making their way up to Traverse Crossing stop at Cyril to buy their products. The city itself is led by a   Significant NPCs: Baron Jocer Arlingtin - An elderly man who grew up running the vineyard of his family. He was appointed Baron by the king for his idealistic goals of turning Cyril into a larger city. Since he had taken over he had fallen ill and has had little to increase the productivity of the city.   Other NPCs:   Significant Locations: Tranquil Orphanage: The orphanage that Arlo Devine grew up in. While it was once led by the sisters who treated the children poorly and treated them more as slaves abusing them and using them for child labor to tend to the vineyard. Over time the sisters abuse was exposed and the orphanage became owned by others who care for the children better.
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Owning Organization