
Named after the hammer that fell from the heavens to strike down Nirra The Abomination, the Draconis beast that attacked the city in year 830. The crater that was left was built around and fortified to prevent outside individuals from getting too close to the slumbering beast. The castle was moved closer to the higher cliff point where the crater remained.   Twice a year is the festival known as Lunamani, a week long event where the twin moons eclipse one another during the 6th and 12th month. The festival is currently to celebrate the defeat of the Draconis Legion and continued protection from the evil that once tainted the land, the Knights of Devine are brought in to use the same hammer that fell and is in their possession to strike the beast causing it too stay in a dormant state.   The city of hammerfall resides on the eastern side of Fall Lake, leaving it opposite sides of the lake with Riverend , Fallswel , and Gracefell. Massive docks sit upon the water's edge in the lowest cove of the city, lead by massive stairs up a stone cliffside to the business district or on the opposite end the residential area, leaving the original bridge of the docks gated only for privileged officials. The heart of the city is where the Lion's Mane Castle resides, sitting on a raised hill and surrounded by a large and massive wall protecting not only the castle itself but the gates to the countries most fearsome creature, and symbol of a change in history. The city is structured around three gated areas, the low class existing behind the first wall, the middle class and market districts seated behind the second, the third hours the highest officials and most noble of citizens.   The Crownsguard's training grounds are located just across the eastern inlet giving them space and resources to be close enough to the city but able to perform any training with little concern.

Important Characters

King Frederick Lionhart
General Kamila Carter -
Arch-Bishop Dolph Celestino -
Paladin Jason Wood -
Rashaad Pue -
Kings Hand Terrance Wilmer -

Current Conflicts

Growing tension between the King and the Arch-Bishop has led to many debates and struggles during council meetings. Heated arguments of different views and visions of the future has led to intolerance between the two high ranking officials. Often causing the two groups to work against each other instead of together to better the city, including its defenses and growth. Rumors have begun spreading of the conflict between them, talk of the King making attempts to replace the church with the Knights Of Devine. While other rumors exist that the church may be seeking its separation from the city and claiming Cyril for it's own.   Random attacks have become more common to travelers along the Savage Run, and hunters within the Autumngar Wilds. Many high ranking officials within the Crownsguard and the Monastery of Heir's Reign have become targets during these attacks. The church believes that the Followers of Grace are behind it, while the state believes these attacks to be caused by rogue cultists unaligned with any known deity.   To the northwest, strange creatures have been sighted roaming the outskirts of the Bluefield desert. These creatures appear humanoid in shape, but with grotesque deformities that would make anyone cringe. These creatures appear to have been stealing various supplies, including food, weapons and mana stones. Reports have just returned that the last patrol sent out from River's End to investigate, never returned.


Hammerfall and Holy Kingdom of Zenaria are governed by the monarchy of the The King and the theocracy of the Arch-Bishop. The King has majority control of the city but works beside the church and other advisors in implementing the laws of the land. The Next in line to the throne would be any immediate heir to the King.

Chain of Succession:

Heir to The King
Arch-Bishop of Monastery of Heir's Reign
General of the Crownsguard
Paladin of Monastery of Heir's Reign

Industry & Trade

One of the more interesting trade that the city holds is in the hide and scales of the beast within its walls. Many have begun to harvest the quickly regrowing scales and hide of the beast and have learned to craft it into various items. Given that the material is much heavier it is only worn by those who seek full protection and strength over speed and agility. The walls and ballista's are lined with the scales and hide to increase its effectiveness.


The city was built to be the new capital of the Holy Kingdom of Zenaria over ten years. Built to be a location centralized around all of the nations settlements. Designed originally by Rashaad Pue who built the city with practicality, awe inspiring, and defenses in mind. The city was to be walled off with room for growth around it. Once the city was livable many essential settlers moved in and began farming and continuing the growth of the city. During the year 830 on the last day of the Mid-Year Lunamani festival, a great beast attacked the city. The festival brought together many of the fellow species of the land in celebration of the cities almost finished construction. This beast caused much destruction and set back a large amount of the city, though most remained livable. During the attack one man rose and called down a powerful hammer from the heavens to strike the beast. And in one blow was able to subdue the creature, causing it to enter a hibernating slumber in the cities core.


Hammerfall is a city of wonderous things such as a massive creature slumbering within it's very walls. The massive Church of the Monastery of Heir's Reign who welcomes all into the nave to view the inspiring marble statues and relics in honor of Heir. Twice a year the festival of the Lunamani is held here in week long celebration of many factors. Originally the festival was in celebration of the twin moon's week long eclipse, but after the attack of Nirra The Abomination and the hammer fall, the festival has evolved to include the quenching of the beast. When a Hopeful Beacon of the Knights Of Devine strike the beast with the very hammer that brought it first to slumber. It is now a celebration held within the nations capital for all of Shularix to visit in honor of the end of the Draconis War.
Alternative Name(s)
Fall Lake
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Owning Organization
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