Knights Of Devine

The Knights of Devine are a knightly order that exists outside of any focus on religion or national allegiance. All of their order work towards the focus on the wellbeing and progress of Shularix as a whole. While they are not tied to any particular nation they believe in working with all nationalities and religions to better themselves and others. When a tragedy would arise that would cause the land or it's people to be in major turmoil the Knights will be there to provide aid and their light. Currently this includes the ever apparent threat of the Abomination in Hammerfall and the prison of the Gauntlet. They believe in the countermeasure of good and evil. That there is always a Light in the Dark and Darkness where there is Light.  

The Beacon's Oath:

"We carry their weight,
to strengthen their sight,
In the depths of despair,
the beacon's light flare,
In their days of darkness,
they will find their light,
Elduun join me,
In lighting their way."


Arch-Beacon: The leader and icon of the organization.
Beacons Of Hope: The secondary leaders. While the Beacons are all involved in overall decision makings they have their specific placements and have formal control over one specific aspect.

Starshapers: Recruiters and Trainers of the Lessons of Hope.
Seascaper: Oversee's all Naval based actions and is involved in trade.
Earthshaker: Combat trainer, also oversees placement of troops throughout the land.
Arbiter: The Arbiter is considered the judicial overseer of the group. Constructing the verbage for organization laws and tenets.
Counselors: Counselors are non-combat executives who manage the back end of the group. Financials, settlement growth, enhancement and repairs to the various site locations.
Burden Keepers: The name for the newest recruits.
Hopeful: The name given to a squad of Knights.
Captaen: The squad leader of the Hopeful.

Public Agenda

The Knights of Devine seek to spread hope and peace throughout Lyorion.


The Knights of Devine were started by Arlo and Lucy Devine during the Draconis War. The official creation date is coined as the day that Rivin Saintcloud joined the ranks.


Headquarters: Gracefell   Secondary HQ: Obsidian Citadel    Additional Locations: The Gauntlet

Within the darkest realm of despair, one may find the beaconing light of hope

Founding Date
Military, Knightly Order
Alternative Names
KoD, Knights
Leader Title
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations