Lance Towan

Hand Of The Beacon Lance Towan

Lance's childhood was marked by a constant struggle to prove himself to his peers and family. He was often picked on for his small size and unassuming appearance, but he refused to let that define him. He found solace in practicing with swords and honing his combat skills, often spending long hours training in secret. When he finally turned 16, he was accepted into the Fallswel Academy and joined the Felsworn alongside his childhood friend Abriele Croix. Lance quickly proved himself to be a capable warrior despite his lack of physical size, and was known for his swift and precise movements in combat. He specialized in using the main gauche, a small dagger-like sword that he could use to deflect attacks and then strike with deadly accuracy.   After completing his training in the Felsworn, Lance decided to take a break from active duty and focus on his personal growth. During this time, he became increasingly interested in the legends and prophecies surrounding Arlo Devine, a figure many believed to be a deity who would return to Lyorion to save the land from darkness.   Lance became convinced that Arlo was the key to unlocking his true potential and finding his place in the world. He swore himself to Arlo and joined the Knights of Devine, where he has since dedicated himself to serving his new leader and honing his skills even further.   Despite his loyalty to Arlo and the Knights of Devine, Lance still holds a deep respect for the Felsworn and the skills he learned during his time with them. He often wears his Felsworn coat as a reminder of his past and the journey he has taken to become the warrior he is today.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Lance Towan was born within the small settlement of Fallswel. His parents were farmers and his brother and sister both followed suit in working the family farm. But for Lance that was never his ambitions. He always sought to stand for a cause, having been raised during the Draconis war he believed he would be better suited to join the war efforts instead of becoming another farmer as his family was before him. The only catch, was that Lance was considered the runt throughout his entire childhood and much of his training. This made him be seen as the weakest within his groups and squads. But he never let that get in his way, instead of learning to fight with heavier weapons and more forceful tactics. To stand out against those others he worked towards more defensive and agile tactics, allowing him to use strength against his more powerful opponents.   He enlisted into the military ranks at the earliest age he was allowed. Being trained in the Fallswel Academy , Lance excelled at his training and upon reaching his graduation he was prompted to gain further elite militart training, becoming a member of Felsworn . He was brought before King Frederick, General Darion, and Paladin Danladin whom all agreed that he would be an excellent fit to the group. In his initial training within Fallswel is where he met Abrielle Croix, another soldier enlisted in the Fallswel Academy and was accepted as a Felsworn shortly before him.   The two trained together and upon graduation stuck beside each other. Seeking out the true purpose of the Felsworn.

Personality Characteristics

Personality Quirks

Lance was raised to always maintain proper etiquette. While his years service alongside Arlo Devine and the Knights Of Devine have kept him maintaining and even teaching some of these mannerisms, he has found himself lightening up at times especially when he is around the Devine children who he has grown a close relationship with.   Lance despises his coat being dirty, torn, crimped, wet, or anything outside of it staying in great condition.



Lance is always standing firmly with his hands behind his back and always speaks with respect, and takes proper etiquette very important. Having been embedded into his mind like it has, he struggles to be at ease, no matter how much he is just another member of the Devine family.
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Hand of the Beacon
Year of Birth
804 N.E. 47 Years old
Current Residence
Dark blue, Furrowed brows, squinty eyes
Short well kept brown hair, with a brown full beard to match.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light Tan
Aligned Organization