Arlo Devine

Arch-Beacon of Hope Arlo Devine

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Arlo is in constant pain in the form of bruising upon his body, these bruises are caused by the burdens of others that he has helped alleviate.

Body Features

Arlo is a well built, lean, athletic and muscular figure. While he is not overly muscular he possesses more strength than one may expect from the initial view given of him.

Facial Features

Arlo possesses deep blue eyes, long white hair, and a thin even beard along a strong jaw.

Special abilities

Arlo has always held latent mana focus, but it was not until the hammer, Elduun, fell to him that he was able to unlock and achieve these powers. He possesses control over the elements of lightning and the storm, while also possessing powers over war and battle intself.   Storm: Arlo possess abilities to control lightning and other elements of a storm.   Hope: Arlo is fueled by the belief and inspiration of hope that he has worked to spread throughout Shularix. Through this power he has been able to focus on protective and healing properties onto others.   Despair: As Arlo spreads hope throughout Shularix, he also takes on the despair that others feel in order to bring this on. Choosing to accept that which haunts them onto himself causing him physical pain throughout his body and giving him visions of what troubles that person the most.

Specialized Equipment

Arlo possesses the Robes of the Arch-Beacon. Which is a blue and white and black accented set of robes that is worn over any other choice of clothing or gear. The robe possesses a hook at its side so that when he chooses to fight, which is not often, the hammer is launched into the air and into his grasp, giving him room to move and immediate access to the hammer.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Arlo was born to Arlond Devine and Elaine Devine after the death of their first born child. His mother died shortly after child birth which causes him to be raised by his resentful father until he was eight years old when his father had died a hero defending the squad he was stationed with. Arlo was then placed with an orphanage where he met his closest friend and "sister", Sabil Percy. As they grew up in the harmful orphanage that they did, Arlo did everything he could to protect the other kids of the orphanage, and even helped Sabil in becoming adopted.   During the following time he spent many of his years working in various trades, trying to find the place that he belonged and find something that filled the void within his heart. Blacksmith, mason, guard, church aid, farm hand, and many more trades filled his repertoire. Excelling at each of them but never finding the one thing that truly spoke to him. He stayed in close contact with Sabil and her adoptive parents, and while she held feelings for him, he never was able to return the same to her.   During the day of Hammerfall, he found himself aiding others to survive the onslaught caused by the Draconis beast. Saving the Bennet family in the process from an untimely death, among many others. He soon found himself being led up a tower where he took the heroic deed to leap from the tower, giving an attempt on the beast himself without fear, and with hope at his side. It is here that Arlo's story began. That his passion and purpose fell from the sky, filling the empty void within his heart in Lucy Devine.


Arlo's youthful education was only led by the midwife that aided in his birth. His father had spent much time away with the border patrol of Cyrill, and even when he was home was distant and resentful. Only showing few signs of fatherly advice or love until his death.


Presently Arlo lead the Knights Of Devine as the Beacon Of Hope and its creator. Though he has worked many jobs in his life, learning the trade of multiple professions.

Failures & Embarrassments

Arlo holds many failures within his own eyes. Allowing the Draconis beast to attack the city before he was brave enough to call his hammer and attack it. Not being beside his wife to defend her when her life was taken from her during the end of the Draconis War. And not being fully present in his children's life as they grew up, opting to use training sessions as a way to spend time with his kids together when his time was stretched then leading the charge of the Knights of Devine.

Mental Trauma

The attack on Hammerfall is still something that he see's and lives with every day. His wounds leave bruises and wear and tear upon his body that will never heal, yet he continues to press forward, despite the constant pain.

Morality & Philosophy

Arlo believes in hope and family above all else in the world. Finding a light within darkness is something that is commonly heard by him during times of strife and war.

Personality Characteristics


Arlo's biggest hope is to see his kids surpass him in every way that they possibly can. While he has done many great things in his life, he believes that each of his children will lead the world into it's rightful place.


Contacts & Relations

The Knights of Devine and in turn, Arlo, have thier touch and placement within all major settlements of Shularix. Aiding in keeping the world safe from all larger threats and pushing to a unified world of acceptance.

Family Ties

Social Aptitude

Arlo is not a man of being shy and excels at all social encounters, often speaking his views of hope upon those around him if in an uncomfortable or unpredictable conversation.


Arlo Devine


Towards Lucy Devine


Lucy Devine


Towards Arlo Devine


Sabil Percy

Adobtive Sibling

Towards Arlo Devine


Arlo Devine

Adobtive Sibling

Towards Sabil Percy


Devine Family Tree:
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Beacon of Hope.
Date of Birth
10th Day of Month 9
Year of Birth
800 N.E. 51 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Arlo was born to Elaine Devine due to the intervening of the god Grace.
Lucy Devine (Wife)
Sabil Percy (Adobtive Sibling)
Current Residence
Deep Blue
Shoulder Length, Unnaturally White
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Hope is being able to find the light, despite all the darkness."
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Arlo speakins Shularin, Dwarvengr, Elfar, Gnomish, and has touched upon Zhor though their uncentralized locations lead to only loose translation between them.
Founded Settlements
Ruled Locations