The City of Estend Organization in M'jørf | World Anvil
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The City of Estend

The City

The City of Estend is a republic along the Na’zon. The capital of the Republic of Estend is Estend. Their national animal is a dolphin. The citizens of Estend are Estendian. The City of Estend is a merchant republic. The titles of their sovereign include Mayor of Estend, Leader of Cabinet, Lord in the Order of Sylvir and Counselor of the Estendian Plight. Their current sovereign is the Mayor Orriden Virnan.

The Flag

The flag of Estend is a tricolour with two bands, one of white and one of light blue, and a chevron at the pole side. The blues and white symbolise the tumultuous river Na'zon. Further along the Na'zon becomes calm and tamer but around Estend it's wild and rugged as a snaking leviathan.
Geopolitical, City-state
Alternative Names
Republic of Estend
Government System
Democracy, Presidential
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Market economy
Sylvirian Folli


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