The Horde Empire of Verh'el Organization in M'jørf | World Anvil
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The Horde Empire of Verh'el

The Horde

The Horde Empire of Verh’el is an empire in the south of Venasahn. The capital of the Empire of Verh’el is Verh’el Naghul. Their national animal is the Zagnoi’dur. The citizens of Verh’el are the Qua'durnoi-Verh'el Naghul. The ruling dynasty of Verh’el are the Qua’khal. Their titles include Emperor of Verh’el, Keeper of the Oasis, Lord of Verh’el Naghul and Warleader of the Wachwarnoi Zagnoi’dur. Their current sovereign is the Emperor Joost I Qua’khal.

The Flag

The flag of Verh'el prominently features a blue crescent. This symbolises the draught-cycle of the Verh'el Naghul oasis and the moon which, in Qua'durnoi-Verh'el Naghul beliefs causes this cycle. The background of yellow stands for the desert sands of the Shoterh desert.
Geopolitical, Empire
Alternative Names
Empire of Verh'el
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Meftar Verh'elar


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