The Free Sheikhdom of Qu'ras Organization in M'jørf | World Anvil
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The Free Sheikhdom of Qu'ras

The Free Sheikhdom

The Free Sheikhdom of Qu’ras is a lordship along the Na’zon, just before the delta. The capital of the Lordship of Qu’ras is Qu’ras. Their national animal is the ababil. The citizens of Qu’ras are Anabhi. The ruling dynasty of Qu’ras are the ibn K’awal. Their titles include Sheikh of Qu’ras, Imam of the Anabhi, First Descendant of the K’awal and High General of the Nomad Bands of Shoterh. Their current sovereign is the Sheikh Mumar I ibn K’awal.

The Flag

The Flag of the Sheikhdom is a bicolour charged with a simplified coat of arts. The coat of arms is that of the house of ibn K'awal. The green of the bicolour stands for the fertile river shores of the Na'zon and the white stands for the purity of faith and man.
Geopolitical, Lordship
Alternative Names
Lordship of Qu'ras
Government System
Monarchy, Theocratic
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Barter system
Sylvirian Folli


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