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The Duchy of Zoestown

The Duchy

The Duchy of Zoestown is a duchy on the coast of southern Venasahn. The capital of the Duchy of Zoestown is Wärkhof’n. Their national animal is the lion. The citizens of Zoestown are The Zoeiaanen. The ruling dynasty of Zoestown are the Härzburg. Their titles include Duke of Zoestown, Lord of Wärkhof’n, Son of Ra’as and Warleader of the Zi’arar. Their current sovereign is the Duchess Zoe I Härzburg.

The Flag

The flag, or rather the banner, of Zoestown depicts the lion-god Ra’as on a yellow field. Ra’as is the patron god of the Duchy of Zoestown and in local myth the House of Härzburg is descended from his grace. The field of yellow denotes the strength en splendor of the Zoeiaanen.
Geopolitical, Duchy
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Barter system
Western Circlets

  • 1 KA

    21 Apryl

    Death of the Duke-Consort of Zoestown
    Life, Death

    We regret to inform you that on the 21st of Apryl, Duke Ashahn has passed. Ashahn Härzburg was 28 when he passed. Duke-Consort Ashahn will be mourned by the great people of Zoestown. Our deepest condolences.


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