The High Kingdom of Levnakh Organization in M'jørf | World Anvil
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The High Kingdom of Levnakh

The High Kingdom

The High Kingdom of Levnakh is a kingdom in the south-west desert of Venasahn, as far from the Na’zon as from the sea. The capital of the Kingdom of Levnakh is Krefnah. Their national animal is the tarantula. The citizens of Levnakh are the Levnakhi. The ruling dynasty of Levnakh are the Heuk’elbakh. Their titles include High King of the Kingdom of Levnakh, Lord of Krefnah, Knight of the Order of Ave and Father to the People. Their current sovereign is the High Queen Eva I Heuk’elbakh.

The Flag

The flag depicts the simplified coat of arms of the House of Heuk’elbakh on top of a field of yellow and red diagonal lines. The two lions on the coat of arms signify the pride and strength of the House of Heuk’elbakh and, by extent, the Kingdom of Levnakh. The yellow and red lines represent the wealth and divine right of the Kingdom and the House of Heuk’elbakh.
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
Kingdom of Levnakh
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Barter system
Colonial Reichsdaelder

  • 1 KA

    17 Janvier

    Death of the Princess of Levnakh
    Life, Death

    We regret to inform you that on the 17th of Janvier, Princess Feline has passed. Feline Heuk'elbach was 8 when she passed. Princess Feline will be mourned by the great people of Levnakh. Our deepest condolences.

  • 1 KA

    13 Aðar


    Today, 13th of Aðar, thousands of peasants have taken to the streets of Jenei'i. They demand that you lower the taxes in the kingdom.
    Queen Eva I of the House of Heuk'elbakh revised the entire tax system.

  • 1 KA

    14 Devet

    Raiders in the High Kingdom of Levnakh
    Criminal Activity

    On the 14th of Devet raiders ravaged the county of Nevei'i. They scorched the towns and looted them for gold.
    High Queen Eva I Heuk'elbakh gave aid to the villages of Nevei'i.


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