The Desert Kingdom of Ißenaa Organization in M'jørf | World Anvil
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The Desert Kingdom of Ißenaa

The Desert Kingdom

The Desert Kingdom of Ißenaa is a kingdom in the south-west desert of Venasahn. The capital of the Kingdom of Ißenaa is Neustädt. Their national animal is an eagle. The citizens of Ißenaa are the Ißener. The ruling dynasty of Ißenaa are the Rutenbürge. Their titles include King of Ißenaa, Lord in Neustädt, Caravan of the Farthest Desert and Speaker of the People. Their current sovereign is the King Maan I Rutenbürge.

The Flag

The Flag of Ißenaa has a tail extending from the bottom of the standard rectangular shape. The tail could possibly be a remainder of the caravan origin of the kingdom. The charge of a black eagle and a golden orb on the pole end of the flag carries a multitude of significance. One possible interpretation paints the eagle as a remnant of the Jellan colonisation and the golden orb as a symbol for the Sceirhan caravans. Another interpretation opposes this with the eagle being an ancient companion of many caravan-nomads and the golden orb representing the wealth of Valdir. Either way, the red background is known to represent the blood of the martyrs.
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
Kingdom of Ißenaa
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Barter system
Jellan Pounds


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