Du'thaikh Gun Aim Organization in M'jørf | World Anvil
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Du'thaikh Gun Aim

The Clan

Du’thaikh Gun Aim is a clan in the north of Valdir, along the coast. The Clan of Du’thaikh Gun Aim does not bind itself to permanent settlement. Their national animal is the cat. The citizens of Du’thaikh Gun Aim are the Dahuine Gun Aim . The ruling dynasty of Du’thaikh Gun Aim are the Bohlacolbh. Their titles include Chieftain of Du’thaikh Gun Aim, Leader of the Dahuine, High Shaman of the Council and Tracker of the Woods. Their current sovereign is the Chieftess Imme I Bohlacolbh.  

The Flag

The flag of Du’thaikh Gun Aim contains two colours. The flag is primarily a red field, with a blue stripe cutting horizontally through the red at quarter length from the pole. The blue symbolises the thousands of streams that run down from the Hashin Mountains into Du’thaikh Gun Aim and provide the forests with life. The bordeaux-red represents the leaves of the forest in autumn, when magic is strongest. It does not represent the blood of the martyrs as Dahuine Gun Aim are known to possess green blood.
Geopolitical, Tribe
Alternative Names
Clan of Du'thaikh Gun Aim
Dahuine Gun Aim
Government System
Power Structure
Economic System
Barter system
Ahswari Ðrag


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