The Republic of Bellevil Organization in M'jørf | World Anvil
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The Republic of Bellevil

The Republic

The Republic of Bellevil is a republic in the far north-west of Valdir. The capital of the Republic of Bellevil is Preyton. Their national animal is a vulture. The citizens of Bellevil are Bellevillian. The Republic of Bellevil is a democratic republic. The titles of their sovereign include President of Bellevil, First Bellevillian, Speaker of the People and Lord of the Far North. Their current sovereign is the President Vamar de Térantorp.

The Flag

The flag of Bellevil is red with a canton of white in the top left corner. Upon this canton a bird is charged. The bird is the northern vulture, native to Bellevil. The white signifies the snow of the Bellevillian homeland and the red symbolises the blood of deer, an important animal in Bellevillian culture.
Geopolitical, Republic
Government System
Democracy, Parliamentary
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Northern Denars

  • 1 KA

    25 Saattaa

    Religious Tensions in Wintersmore
    Religious event

    Recently tensions between the Vannu Kirke and the Church of Laggae reached an all new high. On the 25th of Saattaa practitioners of both faiths were found in conflict with each other. The mayor of Wintersmore didn’t know how to deal with this aggression and passed the problem up to you.
    Our wise and noble president, Isabel du Tilleul, tried to defuse the situation before any worse could happen.

  • 1 KA

    18 Juïn

    Thiever's Guild
    Criminal Activity

    On the 18th of Juïn several soldiers in the county of Ashmoth stumbled upon a thiever’s guild. It is not known how long these outlaw’s have been active but their ways cannot continue to terrorize our citizens.
    Our great president, Isabel du Tilleul, had the watch arrest every thief they could lay their hands on.

  • 2 KA

    21 Aralik

    Raiders in the Republic of Bellevil
    Criminal Activity

    On the 21st of Aralik raiders ravaged the county of Såmbri. They scorched the towns and looted them for gold.
    President Isabel du Tilleul sent the army after the raiders to prevent them wreaking even more havoc.

  • 3 KA

    30 Aðar

    Criminal Activity

    On the 30th of Aðar pirate ships sailed by county of Såmbri. They boarded the republican trade ships and left with all the gold.
    President Isabel I sent out the republican fleet to fight back against the pirates.

  • 3 KA

    10 Juïn

    Death of the President of Bellevil
    Life, Death

    We regret to inform you that on the 10th of Juïn, President Isabel has passed. Isabel du Tilleul was 54 when she passed. President Isabel will be mourned by the great people of Bellevil. It seems, however, that a successor must now be found for her titles and duties. Our deepest condolences.

    Additional timelines
  • 3 KA

    25 Juïn

    Presidential Elections in Bellevil
    Civil action

    On the 25th of Juïn several thousands of Bellevillian took to the voting stations to vote for a new president after the recent passing of their former president.

  • 3 KA

    5 Julio

    Inauguration of President Vamar of Bellevil
    Political event

    After the loss of our esteemed President on the 10th of Juïn our nation was thrust into the hands of a transitional government. After fifteen days of election it seems the democratically elected, Vamar de Térantorp, will take over the empty shoes. Long live the President!
    Long live President Vamar!

    Additional timelines
  • 3 KA

    25 Aralik


    Today, 25th of Aralik, thousands of peasants have taken to the streets of Assalin. They demand that you lower the taxes in the republic.
    President Vamar I of the House of Térantorp locked up all the protesters.

  • 4 KA

    21 Otsalia

    Criminal Activity

    On the 21st of Otsalia bandits sprung up in the county of Ellancité. They ransacked the town and looted it for gold.
    Our gracious president, Vamar de Térantorp, decided to wait out the storm.

  • 4 KA

    4 Juïn

    Disaster / Destruction

    My liege, on the 4th of Juïn a heavy rains have caused a rockslide in the county of Fleuviens. A great many lives have been lost and many roads have been washed away. We must aid the citizenry!
    Our liege, President Vamar de Térantorp, has ceized the opportunity to construct a new palace with the fallen rocks.

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  • 4 KA

    5 Lunasa

    Worker's Strike in Jayet

    My president, we are sorry to report on this day, 5th of Lunasa, that the peasantry of Jayet have laid down their tools and refuse to work. Several craftsmen and farmers have joined them in their protests. The worker’s demand that you relieve them of the hard conditions in which they work.
    Our tyrannical president, Vamar de Térantorp, condemned the peasantry and had them executed on charges of treason.

  • 4 KA

    9 Lunasa

    Criminal Activity

    On the 9th of Lunasa bandits sprung up in the county of Envers. They ransacked the town and looted it for gold.
    Our gracious president, Vamar de Térantorp, let the people of Envers handle the menace themselves.

  • 4 KA

    14 Novobar

    Thiever's Guild
    Criminal Activity

    On the 14th of Novobar several soldiers in the county of Souron stumbled upon a thiever’s guild. It is not known how long these outlaw’s have been active but their ways cannot continue to terrorize our citizens.
    Our great president, Vamar de Térantorp, had the watch arrest every thief they could lay their hands on.

  • 5 KA

    26 Apryl

    Criminal Activity

    On the 26th of Apryl pirate ships sailed by county of Le Braye. They boarded the republican trade ships and left with all the gold.
    President Vamar I sent out the republican fleet to fight back against the pirates.


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