The Kingdom of the Wasrawi Organization in M'jørf | World Anvil
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The Kingdom of the Wasrawi

The Kingdom

The Kingdom of the Wasrawi is a kingdom between the mouths of the Valdiri rivers of Hashar and Ösh. The capital of the Kingdom of Veistarün is Eyllwe. Their national animal is the cheetah. The citizens of Veistarün are the Wasrawi. The ruling dynasty of Veistarün are the Eissenbach. Their titles include King of the Wasrawi, Lord of Eyllwe, King in Veistarün and Marshall of the Realm. Their current sovereign is the King Wessel I Eissenbach.

The flag

The flag of Veistarün is a bicolour of white and green. These are the royal colours of the house of Eissenbach.
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
Kingdom of Veistarün
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Market economy
Wasrawi Thrent

  • 1 KA

    30 Janvier

    Criminal Activity

    On the 30th of Janvier bandits sprung up in the county of Sjellwar. They ransacked the town and looted it for gold.
    Our gracious king, Wessel I Eissenbach, gave aid to the region and the national coffers now aid the rebuilding effort of Sjellwar.

  • 1 KA

    27 Julio

    Worker's Strike in Portsalia

    My king, we are sorry to report on this day, 27th of Julio, that the peasantry of Portsalia have laid down their tools and refuse to work. Several craftsmen and farmers have joined them in their protests. The worker’s demand that you relieve them of the hard conditions in which they work.
    Our faithful king, Wessel I Eissenbach, gave promises of land in wars to come.


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