The High Clan of Sa'yrah Organization in M'jørf | World Anvil
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The High Clan of Sa'yrah

The High Clan

The High Clan of Sa’yrah is a clan on the coast, north of the mouth of the Hashar. The Clan of Sa’yrah does not bind itself to permanent settlement. Their national animal is a dragon. The citizens of Sa’yrah are the Sa'yrah. The ruling dynasty of Sa’yrah are the Sa’yrah. Their titles include High Chieftain of the Sa’yrah, Paramour of the Woods, Son of the Great Dragons and Defender of the Heartland. Their current sovereign is the High Chieftain Anfalen I Sa’yrah.  

The Flag

The flag of Sa’yrah depicts the great dragon Gahnduret on a backdrop of black. Gahnduret was the last dragon seen by the Sa’yrah and the black of night shielded him from many eyes. But the Chieftain and his kin had seen it, a blessing for years to come.
Geopolitical, Tribe
Alternative Names
Clan of Sa'yrah
Government System
Power Structure
Economic System
Ahswari Ðrag

  • 1 KA

    14 Janvier

    Founding of the Joint Calagh Alliance
    Diplomatic action

    On the 14th of Janvier the nations of Ahswar, Sa'yrah and Du'thaikh Gun Aim came together and spoke out for a mutual alliance. They state their intent for peace and prosperity between the nations of the Calagh region of M'jørf.

  • 1 KA

    25 Janvier

    Vykjavic joins the Joint Calagh Alliance
    Diplomatic action

    On the 25th of Janvier the nation of Vykjavic met up with a representative of the Alliance of the Calagh Forest and spoke out for an alliance.

    More reading
    Treaty of T'ekila
  • 1 KA

    28 Janvier

    Penumbra joins the Joint Calagh Alliance
    Diplomatic action
  • 1 KA

    1 Aðar

    Cold Front
    Disaster / Destruction

    My liege, it seems a cold front has set over the counties of Eastfyre, Frostfyre, Khentorin and Southfyre (1st of Aðar). A great part of the winter hunt has been lost. We must aid the peasantry to food!
    Our liege, High Chieftess Sara I Sa'yrah, sent half a dozen shiploads to the stricken provinces.

    Additional timelines
  • 1 KA

    16 Aðar

    Criminal Activity

    On the 16th of Aðar pirate ships sailed by county of Water's Kiss. They boarded the clan trade ships and left with all the gold.
    High Chieftess Sara I redrew the trade routes to avoid the pirates.

  • 1 KA

    24 Apryl

    Criminal Activity

    On the 24th of Apryl bandits sprung up in the county of Frostfyre. They ransacked the town and looted it for gold.
    Our gracious chieftess, Sara I Sa'yrah, gave aid to the region and the national coffers now aid the rebuilding effort of Frostfyre.

  • 1 KA

    26 Apryl

    Death of the Chieftess of Sa'yrah
    Life, Death

    We regret to inform you that on the 26th of Apryl, High Chieftess Sara has passed. Sara Sa'yrah I was 64 when she passed. Chieftess Sara will be mourned by the great people of Sa'yrah. It seems, however, that a successor must now be found for her titles and duties. Our deepest condolences.

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  • 1 KA

    2 Saattaa

    Coronation of High Chieftain Anfalen I of Sa'yrah
    Political event

    After the loss of our esteemed Chieftess on the 26th of Apryl our nation was thrust into the hands of a transitional government. Now it seems the rightful heir, Chief Anfalen Sa'yrah, will take over the empty shoes. Long live the Chieftain!
    Long live Chieftain Anfalen I!

    Additional timelines
  • 1 KA

    16 Aralik

    Financial Event

    Over the past months we've received several reports of corruption within your government in the county of Mount Timli. We thought we could keep it quiet but yesterday, the 15th of Aralik, several peasants arrived demanding you take action.
    Our esteemed chieftain, Anfalen I Sa'yrah, fired the officials and sent them to work in the fields as forced labourers.


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