Shmebulocq Organization in M'jørf | World Anvil
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The Clan

Shmebulocq is a clan in the centre of Valdir. The capital of the Clan of Shmebulocq is K’üronnah City. Their national animal is the naked mole-rat. The citizens of Shmebulocq are the Bulocqian. The ruling dynasty of Shmebulocq are the Näktgeburne. Their titles include Chieftain of Shmebulocq, Elder of K’üronnah City, Son of Ishahn Bulocq and Holder of the Staff. Their current sovereign is the Chieftess Tess I Näktgeburne.

The Flag

The flag of Shmebulocq consists of many elements. On the foreground two ears hang upside down. This is a reminder to the history of the Bulocqian, where they would cut the ears of those they defeated in battle. Those ears hung before a red band going diagonally across the flag, the red here symbolising the blood of the martyrs. Then the background is a combination of light green and white, the top design is checkered while the bottom is plain. These were the patterns of the oldest Bulocqian clans, which combined to create the foundation of the clan of Shmebulocq.
Geopolitical, Tribe
Alternative Names
Clan of Shmebulocq
Government System
Power Structure
Economic System
Twostone Rubies


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