The Principality of Cavore Organization in M'jørf | World Anvil
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The Principality of Cavore

The Principality

The Principality of Cavore is a principality in the middle of the south-western Venasahn desert. The capital of the Principality of Cavore is Majumba. Their national animal is the eagle. The citizens of Cavore are the Cavoran. The ruling dynasty of Cavore are the Victoria. Their titles include Prince of Cavore, Prince Cavore, Lord of Majumba and Warleader of the Hunters of the Eagle. Their current sovereign is the Princess Evi I Victoria.

The Flag

The flag of the principality depicts a sun and crescent moon atop a light yellow field. The light yellow stands for the sands of the Neuerzand and Shoterh deserts. The sun and crescent moon are important aspects of the Cavoran religion. The inscription translates to "For Cavore".
Geopolitical, Principality
Government System
Monarchy, Constitutional
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Market economy
Golden Jesters


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