The Duchy of Neldom Organization in M'jørf | World Anvil
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The Duchy of Neldom

The Duchy

The Duchy of Neldom is a duchy in the south-west Venasahn desert, bordering the Na’zon in the east. The capital of the Duchy of Neldom is Aras. Their national animal is the dolphin. The citizens of Neldom are the Neldoman. The ruling dynasty of Neldom are the Vince. Their titles include Duke of Neldom, Lord of Aras, Heir to Rafensburg and Duke on the Na’zon. Their current sovereign is the Duchess Nienke I Vince.

The Flag

The flag of Neldom is parted in fourths. Along the top and bottom run blue strips and in the middle runs a double band of white. The flag signifies the struggle of the Neldoman; from two people they became one, the top and bottom symbolising the two factions of low-caste Jellan and Ardahan. The white depicts their trial through fire and rebellion in which they united.
Geopolitical, Duchy
Government System
Monarchy, Constitutional
Power Structure
Economic System
Barter system
Sceirhan Clay Sandcoin

  • 1 KA

    1 Apryl

    Birth of Lord Jjon
    Life, Birth

    Great Leader rejoice! On the 1st of Apryl you have birthed a child. A beautiful boy who might one day rule your duchy. We, the people, pray he shall enjoy a life long and plenty. Now remains only the naming of your son.
    Our great leader, Duchess Nienke I Vince, has chosen the name Jjon for her son.

  • 1 KA

    30 Aralik

    Birth of Noble Nienke
    Life, Birth

    Great Leader rejoice! On the 30th of Aralik you have birthed a child. A beautiful child who might one day rule your duchy. We, the people, pray they shall enjoy a life long and plenty. Now remains only the naming of your child.
    Our great leader, Duchess Nienke I Vince, has chosen the name Nienke for her child.


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