The Steppe Kingdom of Tengir Organization in M'jørf | World Anvil
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The Steppe Kingdom of Tengir

The Steppe Kingdom

The Steppe Kingdom of Tengir is a kingdom in the north of Venasahn, on the coast. The capital of the Kingdom of Tengir is Ïzman. Their national animal is the horse. The citizens of Tengir are the Tengi. The ruling dynasty of Tengir are the Andaikün. Their titles include Steppe King of Tengir, Lord of Ïzman, Khan of the Steppes and Khan of the Rocks. Their current sovereign is the Steppe King Tomat I Andaikün.

The Flag

The Tengir flag is made up of a green field and a cantoned field of white. In that field of white is written the character for horse. The green stands for the steppes of home and the white stands for the snow-peaked mountains that stood along the steppe-territory Tengir.
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
Kingdom of Tengir
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Barter system
Tengirian Half-Hooves

  • 1 KA

    15 Otsalia

    Death of the King of Tengir
    Life, Death

    We regret to inform you that on the 15th of Otsalia, Steppe King Üzmann has passed. Üzmann Andaikün I was 47 when he passed. King Üzmann will be mourned by the great people of Tengir. It seems, however, that a successor must now be found for his titles and duties. Our deepest condolences.

    Additional timelines
  • 1 KA

    22 Otsalia

    Coronation of Steppe King Tomat I of Tengir
    Political event

    After the loss of our esteemed King on the 15th of Otsalia our nation was thrust into the hands of a transitional government. Now it seems the rightful heir, Prince Tomat Andaikün, will take over the empty shoes. Long live the King!
    Long live King Tomat I!

    Additional timelines
  • 1 KA

    8 Aralik

    Thiever's Guild
    Criminal Activity

    On the 18th of Juïn several soldiers in the county of Jed'a Dunas stumbled upon a thiever’s guild. It is not known how long these outlaw’s have been active but their ways cannot continue to terrorize our citizens.
    Our great king, Tomat I Andaikün, had the watch arrest every thief they could lay their hands on.

  • 1 KA

    21 Aralik

    Criminal Activity

    On the 21st of Aralik bandits sprung up in the county of Khúndramash. They ransacked the town and looted it for gold.
    Our gracious king, Tomat I Andaikün, let the people of Khúndramash handle the menace themselves.


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