The Steppe Horde of Yögründaür Organization in M'jørf | World Anvil
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The Steppe Horde of Yögründaür

The Steppe Horde

The Steppe Horde of Yögründaür is a clan in the north steppe of Venasahn. The capital of the Clan of Yögründaür is Közunn. Their national animal is the horse. The citizens of Yögründaür are the Yögründaür. The ruling dynasty of Yögrüdaür are the Sëkert. Their titles include Khan of Yögründaür, Son of Yögrüandr, Lord of Közunn and Breath of the Horse. Their current sovereign is the Khan Ardïc I Sëkert.

The Flag

The flag depicts the great dragon Yögrüandr and his great flame in the middle bar. The orange bars above and below Yögrüandr capture him and spread his great heat to the Yögründaür riders so that they might use it in life and in battle.
Geopolitical, Nomadic tribe
Alternative Names
Clan of Yögründaür
Government System
Power Structure
Economic System
Tengirian Half-Hooves

  • 1 KA

    18 Devet

    Raiders in the Steppe Horde of Yögründaür
    Criminal Activity

    On the 18th of Devet raiders ravaged the county of Fire's Veil. They scorched the towns and looted them for gold.
    Khan Ardïc Sëkert chose to wait out the storm.

  • 1 KA

    27 Aralik

    Death of the Khanum of Yögründaür
    Life, Death

    We regret to inform you that on the 27th of Aralik, Khanum Üffri has passed. Üffri Sëkert was 48 when she passed. Khanum Üffri will be mourned by the great people of Yögründaür. Our deepest condolences.

  • 2 KA

    10 Janvier

    Migration of the Yögründaür in Ukiyyeren Gate
    Population Migration / Travel

    Over the past weeks the peasantry of Ukiyyeren Gate have abandoned their homes and taken to the high roads in search of better land. The fields of Ukiyyeren Gate lay barren and unused, yet the cities of our kingdom must be fed and supplied.
    Our good and gracious Khan Ardïc I Sëkert, ruled that the cities must learn to sustain for themselves.


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