The Steppe Kingdom of Æolfyn Organization in M'jørf | World Anvil
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The Steppe Kingdom of Æolfyn

The Steppe Kingdom

The Steppe Kingdom of Æolfyn is a kingdom in the North-East of Venasahn. The capital of the Kingdom of Æolfyn is Ulstead. Their national animal is a pegasus. The citizens of Æolfyn are Æolfyn. The ruling dynasty of Æolfyn are the Godiva. Their titles include Steppe King of Æolfyn, Lord of Ulstead, Son and Father of the Horse and First Tamer of Whiteflow. Their current sovereign is the Steppe Queen Jessie I Godiva.

The Flag

The flag depicts the legendary horse Whiteflow prancing before a green field. The golden accents along the top depict the riches of the horde and the green triangles signify the strong and forward mind of the nation. The green field depicts the grass of the homeland.
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
Kingdom of Æolfyn
Government System
Power Structure
Economic System
Tengirian Half-Hooves

  • 1 KA

    11 Julio

    Worker's Strike in Sotrem

    My queen, we are sorry to report on this day, 11th of Julio, that the peasantry of Sotrem have laid down their tools and refuse to work. Several craftsmen and farmers have joined them in their protests. The worker’s demand that you relieve them of the hard conditions in which they work.
    Our faithful queen, Jessie I Godiva, thought to relieve some of the harsher working conditions.

  • 1 KA

    13 Novobar

    Criminal Activity

    On the 13th of Novobar bandits sprung up in the county of Usandaes. They ransacked the town and looted it for gold.
    Our gracious queen, Jessie I Godiva, chased after the bandits with a group of her greatest knights and lords.


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