The Zaiar Ethnicity in M'jørf | World Anvil
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The Zaiar

The Zaiar live in the Zaighin Mountains, contesting for the rich lands with The Kehsekai. The Zaiar are one of the original clans of Valdir. Due to the fierce and unabating nature of the Kehsekai tribes the Zaiar were forced upon the discovery of feudalism and the strength of stone castles. Since the discovery of these behemoth altercations in the waging of war, the border between the Zaiar and the Kehsekai has maintained a relatively stable state. The notions of feudalism and stone fortification quickly spread across the continent of Valdir before slowly crossing over to Venasahn. The Zaiar have since founded client duchies in Ophiuchi and Orithyia, to buffer between them and the Kehsekai. To the north the Zaiar sought to expand but ran into The Jellan and The Siva Siva. They founded the The Archduchy of Ithana and retreated to their mountain strongholds. The Zaiar are a peaceful society but do not shy away from war should anyone be so foolish as to invade their home.

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