

Kopfstein, the bustling industrial powerhouse, pulsates with the rhythmic energy of its numerous factories that harness the raw power of coal to fuel their mighty machines. Beyond the factories, the city boasts an impressive sewer system meticulously designed to filter and divert the waste generated by its bustling populace, ensuring that the city's effluence finds its way to the cleansing embrace of the Sea of Mirrors. Moreover, Kopfstein takes pride in its well-paved roads, a testament to the ingenuity of its urban planners who have crafted thoroughfares gentle on the hooves of horses, favored by the city's affluent elite.   The demanding nature of work in Kopfstein has necessitated the proliferation of several hospitals throughout the metropolis, catering to the injured and ailing workforce afflicted by work-related injuries. However, it is within these hospitals that another disparity comes to light, as the luxurious water filtration systems that ensure pristine drinking water grace only the privileged few, while the majority must contend with less pure sources. Yet, the city's railway system stands as a remarkable innovation, enabling swift transportation within Kopfstein itself and extending its reach to the various towns and cities nestled within the borders of Strum-Heim.   Adding to the city's enchanting aura are the towering structures known as Mage Lights that line the sidewalks, casting their radiant glow upon the streets and sidewalks. These luminous beacons serve dual purposes, not only illuminating the city but also functioning as the ever-watchful eyes of the vigilant city guard, empowering them to swiftly address any criminal activities within their vicinity. As the city thrives amidst the clamor of progress and invention, Kopfstein stands as a testament to the indomitable spirit of innovation that propels Strum-Heim forward.
Alternative Name(s)
The City of Black Clouds
2 Million
Owning Organization
Characters in Location