Ahsa Zehsass

The Emerald Mother

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Long ago, in the ancient times of Maeon, when the world was shrouded in darkness and chaos, there lived a serpent-like creature named Ahsa Zehass. She was a member of the yuan-ti, a race of half-snake, half-humanoid beings that dwelled in the depths of the world. Ahsa possessed a rare beauty, her scales glistening with vibrant hues of green and gold, and her eyes shining with a wisdom that surpassed her years.   Ahsa Zehass was not like the other yuan-ti. She possessed a remarkable intelligence and a strong will that set her apart from her brethren. Becoming a high-ranking member of the temple of Estikatl at a very young age. As the years passed, Ahsa witnessed the devastation caused by the never-ending conflicts between the yuan-ti and the elven people. She saw the suffering and the pain of her people and knew it was only a matter of time before the capital of the Yuan-Ti empire would be taken.   She would assess the situation Saleth was in at large and came across the discovery of two massive figures in the northern and southern parts of the continent. Those being the Fire Giant Halvdan the Black and the storm giant Finn Chull. She would begin to scheme about how she could use these impressive figures for the survival of her kind. She would not have to much time to dwell in thought, as the elven champion Ilimitar Kaine would be on a campaign of complete destruction. Slaughtering women, elderly and children on his way to the capital of the Yuan-Ti.   Thus, she would send word to the giants getting their aid in pushing back the elven army, at least for a moment. Upon crossing paths with Halvdan, she saw in him a vessel for her ambitions. Recognizing his potential as a conqueror and a savior to the Yuan-Ti, she seduced him with her beauty and poisoned his mind with her whispers of grandeur. Ensnared by her manipulations, Halvdan fell deeply in love with Ahsa, unaware of the true intentions that lay beneath her enticing facade.   Together, Halvdan and Ahsa forged an unholy alliance, their union bringing about a reign of terror and devastation. They ruled with an iron fist, their subjects trembling in fear and bowing to their every command. With Ahsa's dark influence, Halvdan's power grew exponentially, and he became known as Halvdan the Black, a fearsome and ruthless leader who struck fear into the hearts of all who opposed him.   Over time her husband seemed more despondent, having silent conversations with forces that did not seem to exist. Unknown to Ahsa he had been communing with the demon lord Carach Angren. She herself noticed that Halvdan took less and less of her suggestions and seemed to be training up masses of peasants for war. Her husband would soon meet his end at the Giant Spine Mountains, where his brother Finn defeated Halvdan and a group of cultists in violent conflict. The battle shifting the landscape of Saleth and Maeon to what we know today.   After her husband’s death, Ahsa became the ruler of Strum-Heim, not taking the rank of empress but of Plutarch. She would tell the noble courts of the land that whoever has amassed the most wealth would have the right to rule Strum-Heim completely. She reveled in this newfound position, and later would give birth to two children that she would have from the Fire Giant. One would be a military genius, while the other would later bring industry and progress to the land of fire and brimstone.   However, she would only experience this power for so long, as she would soon be declared dead once both of her children became of age. Details of Ahsa's death shrouded in mystery and speculation. Some say that her children’s insatiable thirst for power consumed them, leading to her death. Others whisper that her wicked ways attracted the attention of divine forces, who sought to put an end to her reign of terror. Whatever the truth may be, one thing remains certain: Ahsa Zehass left an indelible mark on the annals of Maeon's history, and she succeeded in her goals. Yuan-Ti blood still flows in Maeon.


Ahsa Zehsass


Towards Halvdan The Black


Halvdan The Black


Towards Ahsa Zehsass


Neutral Evil
Current Status
Previously Held Ranks & Titles
1550 BI 900 BI 650 years old
Circumstances of Death
Serpent's Rest
Place of Death
Halvdan The Black (Husband)
Deep Green
Long Black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Green Scales
Aligned Organization
Founded Settlements