Anastasia Zehass

Daughter of Innovation

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Anastasia Zehass, the daughter of Ahsa Zehass and Halvdan the Black, was a formidable and ambitious figure in her own right. Unlike her mother, Anastasia sought power not through manipulation and subterfuge, but through innovation and industry. She would become the driving force behind the transformation of the empire of Strum-Heim, bringing about an era of technological advancement and economic prosperity.   From an early age, Anastasia displayed a keen intellect and an insatiable curiosity about the world beyond the fiery peaks of Strum-Heim. She yearned to explore and understand the mysteries of the realms, looking beyond the ways of her conniving mother. She would spend time with the people of Strum-Heim actively monitoring activities within their silver mines. That’s when she discovered an odd material. One that seemed to combust very easily. Upon seeing a particularly disastrous mining operation Anastasia became fascinated with the material and wished to try and harness the power of coal.   With a shrewd mind for business and a deep understanding of engineering, Anastasia introduced the concept of coal power and factories to the empire of Strum-Heim. Recognizing the potential for growth and prosperity, she tirelessly championed the implementation of these technologies, despite facing resistance from the traditionalist noble families who feared change.   Under Anastasia's leadership, the now empty silver mines served a new purpose. They now existed to harness the new materials, and with an influx of this fuel factories sprung up across the empire. The once fiery landscape of Strum-Heim was now marked by towering smokestacks and the rhythmic hum of machinery. The industrial revolution had taken hold, transforming the empire into a hub of innovation and technological progress.   The introduction of coal power brought about a significant shift in Strum-Heim's economic landscape. The empire's vast coal reserves fueled not only the factories but also the development of a railway network, enabling the efficient transportation of goods and resources. Trade flourished, and Strum-Heim became known for its industrial prowess, exporting goods far and wide.   Anastasia's vision for Strum-Heim extended beyond economic prosperity. She recognized the importance of education and the empowerment of the working class. She established schools and institutes dedicated to technical education, ensuring that the citizens of Strum-Heim could acquire the skills needed to thrive in the evolving industrial society. Although unlike the creation of the mass of coal powered factories, she faced to much pushback from the rest of Strum-Heimien nobility. At risk of loosing control of the nation, she relented to their demands keeping the people of Strum-Heim at a certain level.   With progress came consequences. The rapid industrialization led to environmental degradation, as the once pristine landscapes were marred by pollution and deforestation. The working conditions in the factories were often harsh, and the divide between the wealthy industrialists and the laborers grew wider.   Anastasia, torn between her desire for progress and the ethical implications of her actions, became known as a complex figure. Some praised her for bringing prosperity and advancement to Strum-Heim, while others criticized her for the negative impacts of industrialization on the environment and society.   As time passed, Anastasia's focus shifted from coal power to more sustainable and cleaner energy sources. She became an advocate for environmental conservation and sought to rectify the damages caused by the industrial revolution. Although she would never get to enact such changes, as her own son Xanthos used his own wealth to usurp his mother as Plutarch of Strum-Heim.


Anastasia Zehass


Towards Xanthos Zehass


Xanthos Zehass


Towards Anastasia Zehass


Lawful Neutral
Current Location
Previously Held Ranks & Titles
Long Fiery Red
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark Grey
Aligned Organization