Pohon Yang

Nestled in the northeastern reaches of the kingdom of Trà Bo lies the awe-inspiring Pohon Yang, a jungle of unparalleled beauty and mystique. This primeval expanse is characterized by colossal, spiraling trees, their towering forms reaching for the heavens like living skyscrapers. Pohon Yang is a place where the mundane and the magical intertwine, creating an ecosystem unlike any other in Maeon.

Fauna & Flora

Ooslang's Lanterns: At night, the jungle comes alive with the ethereal glow of bioluminescent plants. These luminescent orb like plants blanket the forest floor, casting a surreal, dreamlike radiance. The patterns and colors of these glowing flora change in response to moonlight, creating a mesmerizing, ever-shifting tapestry of light. The Vanara often use these orbs to light their way through the jungle at night, weaving a phosphorescent path among the towering trees.   Spiral Giants: Towering trees, adorned with vines and lush foliage, are a testament to the enduring magic of the jungle. Their massive trunks spiral upward in intricate patterns, creating natural staircases for those adventurous enough to explore their heights. The bark of these trees often glows with bioluminescent hues during the night, casting an otherworldly radiance across the forest floor.   Silkwood Trees: These trees are known for their bark, which, when carefully harvested, yields a silky, shimmering thread. The Vanara have mastered the art of crafting delicate garments from this ethereal material, adorning themselves in garments that seem to shift and flow like liquid moonlight.   The Whispering Vines: Some vines in the Pohon Yang possess an eerie sentience. They are known as the Whispering Vines and are said to carry the whispers of vanaran spirits. Those who dare to listen might glean cryptic insights into the secrets of the jungle surrounding them. However, succumbing to their whispers for too long can lead to madness, as the voices of the dead are sledom helpful.
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