The Kehidupan


Deep in the heart of the country of Tra Bo stands a majestic and ancient tree known as The Kehidupan, the Tree of Life. This magnificent arboreal wonder is not only a physical presence but also a spiritual symbol of vitality and interconnectedness. Its sprawling branches reach towards the heavens, while its roots delve deep into the earth, drawing sustenance and energy from the very essence of life itself. The guardians of The Kehidupan are a race of intelligent and agile beings known as the Vanara, a monkey-like people. From generation to generation, the Vanara have inherited the sacred duty of tending to this divine tree, ensuring its well-being and nurturing its growth. It is a responsibility they hold with utmost reverence, understanding the significance and profound importance of their role in maintaining the balance of nature.   The Vanara possess a deep bond with The Kehidupan, forged through centuries of coexistence and mutual respect. They have developed a unique understanding of the tree's needs and an intimate knowledge of its rhythms and cycles. Their daily tasks include watering its roots, trimming its branches, and protecting it from any harm that may befall it.   Legend has it that The Kehidupan holds within its branches the essence of life itself. Its leaves are said to possess healing properties, capable of curing ailments and rejuvenating the weary. Its fruits, when consumed, are said to gain divinity, although it is a taboo to consume them. It is believed that the tree's energy radiates throughout the land, infusing the surrounding ecosystems with harmony and abundance.   The Vanara, guided by ancient traditions and wisdom passed down through generations, perform rituals and ceremonies in honor of The Kehidupan. They gather beneath its canopy, their voices harmonizing in melodic chants, expressing gratitude for the blessings it bestows upon them and seeking its continued protection. The Vanara believe that through their devoted care and connection to The Kehidupan, they ensure the prosperity and well-being of their entire community.   The presence of The Kehidupan has a profound impact on the land of Tra Bo. The country thrives as a result of the tree's life-giving energy. Lush jungles surround The Kehidupan, teeming with diverse flora and fauna, creating a haven for all forms of life. The Vanara, in their harmonious coexistence with nature, exemplify the interconnectedness and delicate balance that can be achieved when humans recognize their place within the greater tapestry of existence.   The Kehidupan stands as a symbol of hope, resilience, and the eternal cycle of life. It serves as a reminder to the Vanara and all who encounter its magnificence of the intricate and delicate harmony that exists within the natural world. The Vanara's unwavering dedication to the care of The Kehidupan echoes their commitment to preserving the sanctity of life and ensuring a flourishing future for all.
Founding Date
1300 BI
Alternative Names
The God Tree
Parent Location