Serpent's Rest


Once a great city dedicated to Estikatl, Serpents Rest was known as Ixli Tlihasz or the "Sun's Jewel" in the intricate tongue of the Yuan-Ti. This once-thriving metropolis stood as a testament to the heights of magical advancement achieved during its relatively short existence. Assisted directly by a goddess, the Yuan-Ti of Serpents Rest delved into realms of alchemy, spellcraft, and enchantment previously uncharted. Their creations bore the mark of uniqueness, their secrets never to be replicated. These mystical concoctions granted the Yuan-Ti the power to withstand the ceaseless pressures of the encroaching Giants and Elves, who bordered their realm in Saleth.   However, Serpents Rest had little time to revel in the fruits of their arcane labors, for the conflict between the Elven and Yuan-Ti races reached its zenith. Knowing their impending doom, the denizens of the city focused their last hours on crafting a monumental magical gate, a gateway to an uncertain refuge. Whether any of the Yuan-Ti managed to employ this complex device remains a mystery, as the Elves displayed an unrelenting brutality in their eradication of all remnants of this once-prosperous empire. Numerous Elven accounts meticulously detail how they ensured that no survivors were left in the wake of their ruthless campaigns.   Ixli Tlihasz endured years of Elven occupation, though the invaders' narratives shifted over time. Reports emerged of haunting dark specters and other monstrous apparitions roaming the ruins, causing mounting losses and unshakable dread. The Elves, who had initially rejoiced in their conquest, found themselves forced to retreat from the blighted city. Many refused to return to their ancestral lands, instead migrating to Lycera, Avalor, and The Infernal Dust, their empire forever scarred by the horrors they had encountered.   Subsequently, the Vanara, guided by their own expansionist ambitions beyondThe Kehidupan, stumbled upon the ruins of Serpents Rest. Similar to the Elves before them, they attempted to establish a settlement within its crumbling walls. However, just as the Elves had, the Vanara encountered insurmountable obstacles, from buildings that seemed to have trapped spirits within their walls to unsettling sightings of apparitions that defied explanation. Eventually, like their predecessors, the Vanara abandoned their efforts, leaving the city to its solitude.   Today, Serpents Rest stands as a lifeless monument to a bygone era, shrouded in superstition and mystery. Locals speak of it with a hushed reverence, believing the city to be haunted by the echoes of its tragic past. Despite the warnings and rumors, some brave, or perhaps foolhardy, young Vanara view spending a night within its ruins as a rite of passage. However, few who embark on this perilous journey ever return home to share their tales with their concerned families.
1450 BI
Founding Date
1600 BI
Alternative Names
Ixli Tlihasz, Sun's Jewel.
Parent Location