Sevarin Sharpwillow

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Sevarin Sharpwillow is a prominent figure in elven lore, known as the son of Elorin Moonshadow,the ancient elven leader The first of the elven people. As the heir to such a noble lineage, Sevarin carries the weight of his ancestral legacy and the responsibility to uphold the teachings and values of The Paratrites  Born with an innate connection to nature and a deep affinity for the mystical arts, Sevarin possesses exceptional druidic abilities. He has dedicated his life to honing his skills as a guardian of the natural world, following in the footsteps of his revered parent. Sevarin is known for his wisdom, compassion, and unwavering devotion to the preservation and harmony of nature. He possesses a deep understanding of the delicate balance between civilization and the wild, and seeks to foster a symbiotic relationship between the elven people and the natural realms they inhabit.   As the son of Elorin Moonshadow, Sevarin also carries the burden of leadership. His training and upbringing have instilled in him a sense of duty and a strong moral compass, guiding his actions and decisions. Sevarin is often found delving into ancient texts and lore, seeking to expand his knowledge and understanding of the natural world. He has been known to embark on quests and adventures to uncover hidden secrets and protect sacred groves from those who would seek to exploit or desecrate them.   Despite his lineage and role, Sevarin remains humble and approachable. He values unity and collaboration, fostering strong relationships with fellow Paratrites and other allies who share his passion for preserving the balance of nature.   In the eyes of the elven people, Sevarin is seen as a beacon of hope, embodying the ideals of The Paratrites and inspiring others to connect with the world around them. His journey as a druid and leader holds great promise as he works to carry forward the legacy of his renowned parent and shape the future of the elven people and their harmonious relationship with nature.
Neutral Good
Current Location
Currently Held Titles
Year of Birth
250 BI 1550 Years old
Long Blonde
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale White
150 lbs
Aligned Organization