The Glimmering Grove


The Glimmering Grove is a mystical realm nestled within the Fey wild, a parallel plane of existence. It serves as a home and sanctuary for both the Paratrites and the Asinkori. This ethereal realm is characterized by its vibrant and otherworldly beauty, where nature flourishes in its purest and most enchanting form. The Glimmering Grove is a place of immense magical power, infused with the essence of the Fey wild. It is a realm where the boundaries between the mortal world and the fey realm blur, allowing for a seamless connection between the two. The grove is abundant with ancient and majestic trees, their leaves shimmering with an iridescent glow. Soft rays of sunlight filter through the canopies, casting a magical luminescence upon the surroundings.   Within the Glimmering Grove, the Paratrites and the Asinkori have established their respective bases, hidden from prying eyes and inaccessible to all but those initiated into their circles. The grove serves as a center for their deep connection to nature and the pursuit of ancient knowledge. The Paratrites use the Glimmering Grove as a haven for their studies, practicing their druidic arts and delving into the mysteries of the natural world. They revere the grove as a sacred place that embodies the delicate balance between civilization and nature.   The Asinkori, on the other hand, have embraced the wild and primal aspects of the Glimmering Grove. They see it as a realm that symbolizes the untamed forces of nature and the dominion of beasts. Here, they commune with powerful fey creatures and channel the raw energy of the Feywild to further their cause of reclaiming Maeon for nature. The grove resonates with their belief that civilization should yield to the innate order of the natural world.   While the Glimmering Grove is a place of tranquility and harmony, it also harbors an air of mystery and unpredictability. It is a realm where the veil between reality and the Fey wild is thin, making it susceptible to sudden shifts and manifestations of fey magic. This lends an aura of enchantment and wonder to the grove, making it a place of immense reverence and spiritual significance for both the Paratrites and the Asinkori.   Within Maeon their are several planar rifts that only members of either organization can access. If any non member attempts to enter the rift would be met with hostility from elementals and fey creatures.
Dimensional plane
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Included Organizations
Owning Organization
Contested By