The Root Keeper

The role of the Root Keeper within the Paratrites holds significant importance as the leadership position of the esteemed druidic circle. The Root Keeper is entrusted with the responsibility of guiding and safeguarding the Paratrites, ensuring the preservation of their ancient knowledge, traditions, and connection to the natural world.   As the spiritual and administrative leader of the Paratrites, the Root Keeper acts as a custodian of wisdom, holding deep understanding of the intricate balance between nature and civilization. They are considered the embodiment of the circle's values, teachings, and principles, and are entrusted with making decisions that uphold the harmony and well-being of both the elven people and the natural world.   The Root Keeper serves as the primary mediator and advisor within the Paratrites, facilitating discussions and resolving disputes among its members. They possess profound knowledge of druidic practices, ancient rituals, and the secrets of the Feywild. With their guidance, the Paratrites continue to explore the mysteries of the natural world, seeking to deepen their understanding of its magic and harness its power for the greater good.   Furthermore, the Root Keeper plays a crucial role in maintaining the secrecy of the Paratrites. They ensure that the existence of the circle remains hidden from those who may seek to exploit or disrupt their ancient knowledge and practices. The Root Keeper protects the sacred groves, where the Paratrites gather to commune with nature, conduct rituals, and share their wisdom.   The selection of the Root Keeper is a matter of great significance and is often determined through a combination of divine guidance, the consensus of the Paratrites, and the passing of the mantle from the previous Root Keeper. The individual chosen for this esteemed role possesses not only exceptional druidic abilities but also embodies the virtues and values of the Paratrites, dedicating themselves to the preservation of the elven people, the natural world, and the delicate balance between them.
Magical, Honorific
Alternative Naming
Arch Druid
First Holder
Current Holders
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