Thorgar Hammerfist

The Grand Engineer

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Thorgar, a gruff and resourceful dwarven engineer and inventor, stands as a true master of machinery and construction. Renowned for his expertise, he is often sought after by The Maeon Archeological and Encyclopedist Society to aid in their excavations of ancient ruins and the construction of structures to house their remarkable discoveries. Hailing from the Dwarven Lands of Umomar, Thorgar was among the first dwarves to venture beyond the borders of their isolated kingdom and explore the territories of Saleth.   In an ambitious feat, Thorgar devised a massive drilling device capable of carving a perfect tunnel through one of the formidable mountains that separated Umomar from the rest of the world. However, fate took an unfortunate turn as the land he drilled into turned out to be the treacherous domain of Kalach, a dark and twisted forest. Thorgar and his team soon found themselves relentlessly pursued by the malevolent beings that dwelled within. Despite the odds stacked against them, the group of dwarves fought valiantly, yet as they neared a clearing, Thorgar emerged as the sole survivor of the harrowing ordeal.   It was at this critical juncture that Thorgar's life took a fortuitous twist. An odd pairing of a drow  and an elf, who would later reveal themselves as members of The Maeon Archeological and Encyclopedist Society, came to his aid. These two individuals intervened just in time, saving Thorgar from certain doom. Overwhelmed with gratitude and recognizing the debt he owed, Thorgar pledged his unwavering allegiance to the drow and elf, vowing to stand by their side and assist them in their scholarly pursuits.   From that moment forward, Thorgar became an integral part of the guild, utilizing his exceptional engineering skills to overcome numerous challenges. His expertise in constructing intricate machinery, his unmatched knowledge of dwarven craftsmanship, and his ability to navigate treacherous terrains have proven invaluable to the success of the guild's expeditions. Thorgar's unwavering loyalty, unwavering determination, and commitment to his newfound comrades have cemented his place as an esteemed member of Society. Together, they forge ahead, uncovering the secrets of the past and shaping the future of knowledge in the realms of Saleth.
Neutral Good
Current Location
Year of Birth
1150 IE 150 Years old
Short Grey
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
200 lbs
Other Affiliations