The Maeon Archeological and Encyclopedist Society

Public Agenda

The public agenda for The Maeon Archeological and Encyclopedist Society is simply to collect, research, and display artifacts from all the regions of Maeon. From Avalor all the way to Thassos.


The The Maeon Archeological and Encyclopedist Society possess three major bases in the world. One in Chrisopoulos, one in Rhene, and one in Avathiel. Currently they possess a very minor amount of relics, they hope to expand their collection to a more sizable amount with the hiring of several adventuring/mercanry groups.


Founded by Veanor Irithyl, The Maeon Archeological and Encyclopedist Society found it's origin's in the nation of Thassos. An unofficial extension of The Silver Fox Traders Guild the societies original mission was decoding and researching some of the questionable items that made their way through the main trade guild of Aelotas. As time went on, Veanor managed to obtain more funding so that he would be able to become a indipendant orginazation. He would wander all of aelotas with several scholars for acouple years, before discovering a path in the underdark leading to the land of Saleth. While exploring the lower parts of the plane of Maeon, he came across the domain of the drow House Glaubeletzter. Using his knowledge a leverage and promising to aquire a artifact of Orleanda for the leader of House Glaubeletzter he avoided conflict while wandering the darklands. While in the drow cities, he formed a friendship with Skorth Glaubeletzter, a lower level member of drow society. The two would bond over their shared passion for history and eventually would leave the underdark, soon settling in the port town of Rhene. It is there where the final member of the original society would be found, a gruff dwarf by the name of Thorgar Hammerfist. The three would soon become intertwined with avalor recovering several artifacts connected to the kingdom's beginings.

Preserving Maeon's Storied Past

Founding Date
800 IE
Consortium, Research
Leader Title
Related Ranks & Titles