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Cabalah are a type of sentient corporeal undead, most commonly found in the lands of Ixia. They are the animated corpses of dead, brought back to unlife through the influence of Right Handed Magic , deific intervention, corruption through the Shadow realm, or the influence of their environment. But, they retain the memories of their past lives and all of the skills they learned in life.

They appear as emaciated corposes, with their thin skin pulled taught across their bony extremities. Cabalah use weapons in combat, and are capable of speech.

Cabalah exhibit a great resistance to damage, and a greater strength than they had in life. They attacked using weapons and eschew the gnawing and biting of other undead. They commonly wear armor.
  • Cabalah  do not experience modifiers for having suffered body damage
  • Cabalah  have a resistant physical defense and energy defense of 3
  • Cabalah  have a speed of 3, and a running speed of 6"
Cabalah exert a strange control over mindless corporeal undead. Zombie , Cold Light Walker , and others follow their orders and serve them in preference to human masters.
  • Cabalah have +15 to Pre when dealing with other Undead
Finally, Cabalah can charge their weapons with cold damage, coating their weapons in a cold frost that causes the weapons to cause more damage.
  • +2 DC to weapons (extra time-one phase)
  • This is an active magical effect and disappears with the death of the Cabalah

Basic Information


Cabalah are humanoid in anatomy, without exception.

Genetics and Reproduction

Those slain by a Cabalah will rise as a Zombie , 3 days after their death.

Ecology and Habitats

Cabalah are found in cold environments only - mountain tops, deep dungeons, Kalte , and so on.

Biological Cycle

Cabalah experience no biological cycles. They do not eat, drink, sleep, or age. The necromantic magic that spawns them, sustains them

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Cabalah have no sense of taste, or smell. But, Cabalah see perfectly well in complete darkness. Cabalah have +4 to visual perception only to offset darkness penalties


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