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Cener Druids

The Cener Druids are a race of herbalists who twice attempted to develop a plague to wipe out most of Magnamund and clear the way for the conquest of Naar. They first appeared in 3000BMS. Their origins claimed they were trained by Naar himself, though given that deity's warlike nature many doubt that he took the time to train humans in the magical mysteries of herbs and the land.   The sect originated in the Cener Mountains, a range of mountains near the town of Amory in the kingdom of Salony. Later, most of them moved South and established their own kingdom of Ruel.
Drawing of a Center Druid
by Sam Manly or Scott Purdy


The internal structure of the Cener Druids is unknown outside of Mogaruith.


The Cener Druids are the ultimate scavengers. Rarely is anything left behind that is not fully used up, before being thrown to the refuse pit. Even then, the refuse pits of Mogaruith are filled iwth a number of putrid scavengers and vermin.   They arm themselves with any number of herbal and alchemical mixtures. They commonly carry Fire Seed s . In Mogaruith they often carry Narbul Bombs.   In addition, they often carry wands, staves, and other magical items that they have stolen from the battlefields. Their enemies may find themselves facing any number of unsavory magics.

Public Agenda

Throughout Magnamund, the Cener Druids are known as villains equal only to the Darklords of Naar. They are known to subvert governments, trade between good aligned nations, and explore/exploit the magical properties of unknown herbs and minerals.


When they first appeared, they quickly infiltrated the Herbalishin Bautar. They quickly betrayed their Herbalish oaths and saw to the destruction of many groves across Northern Magnamund. They established an early empire based on their mastery of nature.   During the time of their Empire, they enslaved the Drodarin, or dwarf peoples. They used the Drodarin, or dwarf to extract magical minerals and flora from under the ground. They held the dwarves under their thumbs for centuries before the Drodarin, or dwarf, along with many of the human kingdoms rebelled.   In retaliation, Cener Druids release the Great Plague and almost wiped out the Drodarin, or dwarf peoples. Since the time of their empire, the Cener Druids have been hounded across Northern Magnamund. Now, the majority of them are only safe in the lands of Ruel.

Mythology & Lore

It is rumored that all citizens of druids contract a terminal disease during puberty and that none of them can live beyond age 40 without using Right Handed Magic or Demonology. This may or may not be true but it is certain that those living in Ruel are a desparate people, and seeking ways to extend their power and influence.

Tenets of Faith

The Cener Druids are dedicated to the forces of Disease and Decay. They find that these are the most natural expression of the natural world, and efforts to stave them off are antithetical. The forces of Ishir and her dedication to preserving life are contemptible.
Religious, Druidic Circle
Notable Members


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