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Dragons are incredibly rare large reptilian flying beasts that establish lairs and domains they control across Magnamund. Prior to the Dawn of the Dragons  , sages argued over the origins and early life of dragons. Following this event, the educated peoples of Magnamund became aware that dragons entered the world from the Daziarn plane. The method of transition is still unknown but research into these amazing creatures has begun to take a different approach.

All dragons exhibit great strength, the ability to fly, and breathe flame.  The expressions of their fiery breath can be different from dragon to dragon: some breath a cone of flame, some spit a directed stream, while there is one recorded instance of a dragon expelling a flaming burst that exploded on contact with a hard surface.

Basic Information


Dragons have four legs, long tail, long neck, and large wings that provide flight.  They often have horns whose shape varies from dragon to dragon.  The two forelimbs have opposable thumbs allowing dragons to grasp things with their two forward legs.

Genetics and Reproduction

Dragons lay eggs, though there are no records of juvenile dragons.

Growth Rate & Stages

The growth rate and stages of maturation for dragons is completely unknown.  All dragons that entered Magnamund during the Dawn of the Dragons  exhibit the same tendencies to violence and claiming of territory.  They are more aggressive that dragons that existed on Magnamund before, but they display no difference in powers or anatomy.

Ecology and Habitats

Dragons do not appear to have a preference in habitat, though they all seem to claim territory far from human civilization.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Dragons are omnivores but exhibit a preference for fresh meat.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Following the Dawn of the Dragons  , dragons are not known to work together.  In fact, there are records of conflicts between dragons and they appear to claim territory and hold it against other dragons.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Dragons have been found in every corner of Magnamund, though the total population is believed to only be in the dozens.
  • A dragon lives in the mountains north of Rhem and prior to MS 5092 was subject to a 7,500 crown bounty.  Salony  rescinded the bounty following the Steamjack Accords  .
  • A dragon took up residence at Cloudmaker Mountain in Kalte .
  • A dragon lives in the deep forests of Shadaki in southern Magnamund.
  • A dragon lives in the Chah Mountains, south of Vassagonia .

Average Intelligence

Dragons exhibit a high level of animal cunning.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Dragons have excellent senses (vision, auditory and smell) allowing them to discern details beyond human ability.

They can also see in the ultraviolet spectrum.  There are some reports that they can sense the presence of active magical effects though this is not verified.

Civilization and Culture

Culture and Cultural Heritage

The oldest legends of Magnamund point to dragons as prime movers in the creation of the world.  Nyxator and other dragons held the world against the scions of Naar .  However, most sages believe these legends to be metaphorical.  Dragons have long been known to be symbols of strength and power, featuring in numerous heraldic symbols.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Dragon scales vary in coloring from green, brown, and to a deep bronze.


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