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Vassagonia is an ancient country ruled by the Zakhan.  Vassagonistan seeks to rule all of Northern Magnamund, most especially its ancient enemies Sommerlund  and Durenor . Wars between these nations are common, set off by the simplest of causes, and often impatiently anticipated by warmongering myrmidons on both sides of the conflict.

Vassagonia is almost entirely made up of desert, a result of thousands of years of murdering the native forests for lumber to be used in building structures, siege engines, and warships. Most of Vassagonia's wood now comes from abroad, and many of the wars of this monstrous empire are fought for resources to exploit. The environmental murderousness of Vassagonia puts it at odds with Kakush quite often.

Because of its cultural influence and coastal situation, Vassagonia is rich in many things, including currency, spices, gems, textiles, texts, slaves, and metals. Like all empires, it is never satisfied with what it has, and is always bent on outward expansion. This has a bated in recent years under the rule of Zakhan Khalil al-Assad , but many are eager to expand.

Vassagonia's location

Magnamund World Map
This map serves as the base map for all other maps in this game setting. It is a world map that shows the continents of both Northern and Southern Magnamund, separated by the Tentarias Sea.


Vassagonia began its life as a collection of large tribes. Following the death of the Black Zakhan, a number of them have returned to their nomadic ways in the Dry Main.

But, just as many have remained in the larger cities. And these cities boast a cosmopolitan atmosphere with immigrants from all over Northern and Southern Magnamund. As long as individuals pay lip service to some form of belief in the Pantheon, they are welcome in Vassagonia.


A country with ever-changing borders, usually through conquest, the rich and powerful Empire of Vassagonia controls almost the entirety of the immense sea of dunes of the Dry Main desert. Vassagonia was once a more temperate and peaceful land, ruled over by the god-like Majhan who took the Vassa people under their wing and nurtured them.

After the exodus of the Majhan and the northern expansion of the Dry Main, the chiefs of the Vassa clans elected their own rulers and named them Zakhan. The current empire gained its wealth and status by ruthless imperialism, instigated by the exceptionally long-lived Black Zakhan, a brutal warlord and dictator. By his order, Vassagonian armies captured vast swathes of land in Cloeasia, Kakush, and Anari. While few nations of Magnamund trust Vassagonia or appreciate its tyrannical government, the land has enough trade wealth and military power that none can simply ignore its existence. Rich beyond imagination and larger than any territory but the Darklands in Northern Magnamund, Vassagonia is a major power in the world.
Geopolitical, Country
Vassagonia standardizes on the use of the Gold Crown.
Official Languages
Neighboring Nations
Related Ethnicities


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