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Ogia is a hilly region on the northern borders of Talestria  , Ogia has long been a region controlled not fom Xanar (its capital) but from Helgedad. A policy of armed vigilance was not enough to deter the Darklords from filling Ogia with their forces prior to launching their great offensive against the Freelands (the spearpoint of reached as far as Anari  before being defeated). Today Ogia is just as unfriendly as in the era of Darklord control yet is significantly less populated.

Ogia's location

Magnamund World Map
This map serves as the base map for all other maps in this game setting. It is a world map that shows the continents of both Northern and Southern Magnamund, separated by the Tentarias Sea.


Ogia is a violent country of Drakkarim that trades in slavery.  It engages in raids and captures citizenry from other countries in order to take salves, and teh cominant peoples in Ogia are themselves salaves of the Darklands.  It is a brutal land that prizes strength and violence.

Demography and Population

Ogia is a land dominated by the Darklands and the Drakkarim .  They have a large assortment of other races as slaves throughout the country.  It is one of the few countries where Giak armies often visit and are not treated as invaders.

Agriculture & Industry

Ogia has little in the way of agriculture, the land has been devestated by weather and dark magics.  Therea are some small farms worked by slaves in the few fertile areas of the country.  Almost all foodstuffs are imported.

But, Ogia has a strong source of wealth in mining.  The entire land is a source of mineral wealth, and the population of Ogia has been digging their wealth out of the ground for centuries.  The iron ore, gold, silver, and other precious metals are traded to the Darklands to finance the predations of the Ogian people.

Trade & Transport

Ogia carries out little trade with any other nation outside oft he Darklands.  Individuals have arrangements with criminal organizations in other nations.
Geopolitical, Colony
Government System
1 iron kika = 1/5 gold crown
Major Imports
Ogia imports almost all of its foodstuffs.  They routinely receive foodtuffs from the Darklands.
Official Languages
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Related Ethnicities


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