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The rich and fertile land of Lencia was settled on both sides of theWestern Tentarias by the Vaderish peoples and Lencia became one of themost powerful of the human nations during the Golden Age of the Shianti, or elf . Migration of the Vaderish peoples continued steadily into otherprovinces throughout the Tentarias driven by the rhetoric of theirreligious leaders.

After several years of migration, the Vaderish, along with the Aluvian  people established many ports and cities across Magnamund, eventuallycrossing the Tentarias, separating Northern and Southern Magnamund.They lay claim to the Kingdom of Talestria but this territory had first to be wrested from the control of the Agarashi of the Danarg before it couldrightfully be called theirs. This struggle took five centuries to complete. After establishing further settlements in Northern Magnamund, a largenumber of Vaderish pilgrims crossed the Storn and explored the Varettian plain beyond. They began the construction of a city which would pay homage to the majesty and the might of the lost metropolis of the Dragons.

They called that city Varetta  and from here they ventured toexplore the ruins of Cynx, located deep underground. Varetta  attracted many new peoples from all Vaderish countries and became a city-state that progressively expanded in all directions. Many new settlements wereestablished by the industrious inhabitants of Varetta in the controlledterritories, and with these settlements the migration of the Vaderishpeoples slowed to a halt.

The Vaderish are an intrepid race that worships both Goddess Ishir  and God Kai . Their culture has been diluted with the Aluvian  peoples over generation but they remain a stoic and faithful people, with strong traditions.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Asna, Bersa, Edsa, Gylda, Houva, Mura, Olsa,Ruana, Seola, Ylsa

Masculine names

Asga, Balnor, Cormac, Hulst, Invar, Laef, Merok, Rosk,Svorl, Werlan


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