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Eternal Garden

The Eternal Garden is a large natural gardenscape, almost five miles in diameter.  It was created in MS 1950 by the wizard Porpherio as a final gift to his wife Caerwyn.  Caerwyn was an amazingly talented druid, a practitioner of Wytchcraft .  While Porperio was an amazingly talented wizard, a practitioner of Magi Magic .  

Together they created the Eternal Garden, and made it available to any number of creatures and fae.  Once it was populated, they sealed it off from the rest of Magnamund.  It no longer exists on the same plane as Magnamund, but is not truly a different plane so it is not considered part of the Daziarn.  

From the inside, the garden consists of miles of prairie, forest, and trails.  There is a lake that occupies the center of the garden full of fish, and freshwater mammals.


There are very few humanoids that live in the garden.  The primary population of the garden consists of animals native to the climate, and fae creatures that somehow come and go as they please.


The Eternal Garden has no official government, though Mug Ruith has taken on the role of caretaker.  Mug can call on others in the garden to assist him when needed.


Those that exit the garden find that their memories of time there steadily fade.  They maintain impressions of time that they have spent there, but any details fade over the course of a few weeks.

Points of interest

There are three hedge mazes located in the fields to the east and south of the lake.  Solving any of these hedge mazes, and the puzzles in the middle, grant magical access to the small palace hidden in the garden.  The palace contains many ameneties for humanoids, and serves as the final resting place for Caerwyn and Porpherio.

The Fountain of All-Heal
At the center of the garden lies the Fountain of All-Heal.  Drinking from the Fountain removes all wounds and diseases from an individual.  An individual can only drink from the fountain once a day.  Excess water from the fountain spills over into the lake, and slowly drains off into a stream that trickles into The Crystal Cave .  Drinking from the fountain also has the follow deleterious effects on the imbiber:  
  • 6d6 Transform to animal, particular animal determined as per their personality, if the imbiber is a sentient humanoid
  • 9d6 Transform to a peaceful caretaker of the garden, those thus changed care for the garden and all its inhabitants


In the Eternal Garden, the weather is always a crisp 70 degrees F.  Sometimes the days are interrupted by small spring showers, but the garden is otherwise perpetually sunny.  Night never comes to the Eternal Garden.


  • Eternal Garden Map
    This is the map of the Eternal Garden, a pocket dimension located not in the Daziarn, but alongside normal space.
Founding Date
MS 1950
Outpost / Base
Characters in Location


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