Goblin Fever
Goblin Fever receives its name from the frantic and unreasonable behavior exhibited by its victims. Goblin Fever victims slowly descend into madness, experiencing delusions, paranoia, hallucinations, and manic obsessions.
The sickness begins with congestion, and irritation of the ear, nose, and throat, but it eventually attacks the mind of its victims. Victims of Goblin Fever can suffer symptoms for weeks before the disease runs its course.
Left to run its course, Goblin Fever has a fatality rate of 15% and causes many more casualties during its madness-inducing phases.
The sickness begins with congestion, and irritation of the ear, nose, and throat, but it eventually attacks the mind of its victims. Victims of Goblin Fever can suffer symptoms for weeks before the disease runs its course.
Left to run its course, Goblin Fever has a fatality rate of 15% and causes many more casualties during its madness-inducing phases.
Transmission & Vectors
Goblin Fever can be ingested in contaminated food/water, or transmitted through the air by infected individuals.
Goblin Fever can be cured through an application of an herbal remedy spearheaded by the Herbwardens of Bautar . They remedy is difficult to make in large quantities and normally has a purchase price of 25 Gold Crowns.
Most poorer victims are isolated and cared for while the disease runs its course.
Most poorer victims are isolated and cared for while the disease runs its course.
Chronic, Acquired
Affected Species